Please fill in your attendance for today's English class before 5 pm

Date: 15th of June 2021

Day: Tuesday

Time: 08.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m

Unit : 2 -Let's Play

Topic: Toy Shop (Vocabulary)


At the end of the lesson;

1.pupils will be able to name at least 5 toys in the flashcards correctly.

2.listen and point to at least 5 toys in the textbook correctly.

Welcome back to our online class PdPR

I hope that you had a nice holiday..

A big round of applaused to all pupils and supportive parents who have sent your creative DIY Craft in the previous lesson..

We will announce the winner soon..

Are you ready for the next topic in Unit 2?

Let's play and explore the wonders around you together with your teachers....

First, let's look around you...

What are the things that are blue colours?

Have you seen any of your toys in blue colours?

What are they?

Can you name three toys that you have at home??

Now, let's open your Superminds textbook

Unit 2, page 22

Please watch the video..

Listen and look , then listen and say the words.

Next, let's practice again!!

Read and spell the toys using the flashcards below

You may print out the flash cards if you wish to by downloading the files here

Tips for parents:

1.Try to read and repeat the reading for few times until the pupils could read and spell the words correctly .

2. Play guessing game with your kids

-show the pictures and ask them to say the words(beginner level)

-move to next activity if they managed to say the word of the pictures correctly. Ask them to spell the words without looking at the spelling on the flashcard( intermediate level)

- If your kid managed to say, read and spell the words correctly, you may proceed with questions and about the pictures(advanced level). Parents can ask questions to kid or encourage them to say simple sentences about the pictures.

Please record the guessing game activity with your kids depending on their level of performance(not necessary to do all the activities). This is important for the teachers to see and check the progress of the pupils. It will be easier for to determine the best ways to tackle pupils' problem. Teacher will help pupils according to their level of performance.

Now it's time for you to play the quiz..

Share your marks and video with your teachers in Telegram group.

1 UKM- (Teacher Syafiqah)

1 UPM - (Teacher Farieha)

1 USM - (Teacher Farieha)

1 UTeM- (Teacher Nadirah)

I hope you enjoy the lesson for today.

Thank you for your efforts and cooperation.