Schedule Changes


Much attention is given to careful course selection and creating a master schedule which allows the greatest number of students the best schedule possible. Following the completion of registration, schedule changes will be limited. Any student wishing to make a revision in his/her schedule must do so within the drop/add period specified.

Requests to add or drop courses after the opening of school will be handled by a committee including the principal, school counselor, or another designee of the principal. In making a decision on the schedule change request, the committee will consider extenuating factors such as clerical error, recommendation, course difficulty, space availability, medical justification, and student performance in the course.


REQUEST TO DROP OR ADD COURSE (APPLICATION MADE TO COMMITTEE): No later than the 5th day of school for semester courses No later than the 10th day for yearlong courses

There are no Study Halls during the day.

Class offerings will be subject to administrative change over the summer due to the number of students requesting classes, staff, or space availability. Mecklenburg County Public Schools reserves the right not to offer classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

Once schedules have been developed, they will not be changed without permission from the school’s administration.