Gifted Education


Eligible students in Grades 6-8 who are identified to receive gifted education services participate in after-school enrichment activities and specialized seminars. In addition, appropriately differentiated instruction can be delivered through the regular education classroom.


Parents may refer their child at any time by contacting the Gifted Coordinator (738-6111) or MCMS. In addition, referrals may be made by a classroom teacher or other professional staff member as well. Once a referral is made it will be processed and a decision made within 60 days.


Eligibility for the Gifted Education Program is determined by the division’s Identification/Placement Committee. Eligibility data is collected throughout the school year. Necessary testing of candidates may occur throughout the school year. Parents will be notified of the determination for services at the completion of the screening/ identification process.


Eligible students in Grades 9 – 12 who are identified to receive gifted education services participate in after-school enrichment activities and specialized seminars. In addition, appropriately differentiated instruction can be delivered through the regular education classroom. Additional opportunities offered through Gifted Education Services include:

● Governor’s Summer Residential Program (Grades 10 – 11)

● Governor’s School of Southside Virginia (Grades 11 – 12)

● Dual-Enrollment courses through SVCC (Grades 10 – 12)


Parents may refer their child at any time by contacting the Gifted Coordinator (738-6111) or MCHS. In addition, referrals may be made by a classroom teacher or other professional staff member as well. Once a referral is made, it will be processed and a decision made within 60 days.


Eligibility for the Gifted Education program is determined by the division’s Identification/Placement Committee. Eligibility data is collected throughout the school year. Necessary testing of candidates may occur throughout the school year. Parents will be notified of the determination for services at the completion of the screening/ identification process.


The Governor’s School of Southside Virginia (GSSV) is a half-day academic year program for gifted and highly motivated juniors and seniors in Southside Virginia. GSSV offers a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum in science, math, English, and research courses. Leadership skills are developed and community service projects are encouraged. Students attending GSSV will attend classes on a SVCC campus. Students will also need their own transportation to the high school. For the 2022-2023 school year, juniors who have been accepted into the GSSV program will attend the SVCC Alberta Campus. Seniors will continue to attend the campus they attended during the 2021-2022 school year

Students are invited to apply for admission to GSSV after going through a selection process at the home school. The student must be enrolled in Mecklenburg County Public Schools at the time of application. Students applying to GSSV must be in the sophomore year of high school. The academic prerequisites for GSSV include Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. All students are encouraged to select the most challenging courses at their schools. Students must have a 3.0 GPA and pass all DE placement tests.

The Governor’s School of Southside Virginia program is a very rigorous program with advanced standards that requires a two-year commitment from the student. As Mecklenburg County commits to the cost of this two-year program, the student is expected to remain in the program once it begins. Should a student earn a D or F in any course, be dismissed due to non-academic reasons, or decide to no longer attend this two-year program, parents/guardians will be required to reimburse Mecklenburg County Public Schools for any costs associated with the Governor’s School program.

MCPS does not guarantee students attending GSSV will obtain their Associates Degree from SVCC.



Gifted art students will focus on communication and expression, creating unique and complicated works using real-world issues and images, seeking critiques from teachers and peers, and exploring historical and contemporary imagery by other artists whose work relates to their own.


Direct referrals are accepted throughout the school year. The Art Selection Committee will meet three times each year to score portfolios. Students who have completed referrals (referral and parent checklist) and a complete portfolio by deadline will be considered during that cycle. Incomplete referrals or portfolios will be deferred to the next cycle.

Completed Referral Eligibility Notification

October 1 October 30

January 5 January 30

June 1 June 30

Parents of those students referred must provide written consent for formal evaluation. Parents, teachers, administrators, and school staff may refer students. Referral forms are available from the following sources:

· Gifted Education Art Teachers

· Guidance Office in each school

Referral Forms may be returned to classroom teachers, the gifted teachers or contacts, art teacher guidance counselors, or the Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator.

Transfer Students who have documentation of participation in another instructional gifted program will have their records reviewed by the Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator. Placement or evaluation in the Mecklenburg County Gifted and Talented Program will be made upon the recommendation of the Gifted Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator. Re-evaluation, when necessary will occur within 30 instructional days of submission of completed referral and portfolio. Participation in another city or county’s Visual and Performing Arts program does not automatically guarantee placement in Mecklenburg County Public School’s Gifted and Talented Education Program.


This is a 4 days summer art program (held during Summer School) is a continuation for the students focus on communication and expression, creating unique and complicated works using real world issues and images.