Special Permission


The Special Permission Credit Accommodation for Locally Awarded Verified Credit was added to provide those students with disabilities who previously might have used the Virginia Substitute Evaluation Program (VSEP) with a pathway to earn the necessary locally awarded verified credits to obtain a standard diploma.

The following factors will be considered for students with an IEP or 504 Plan working towards a Standard Diploma:

● Passing grade in the SOL course

● SOL score below 375

● Attempted the SOL at least once

● Students with IEPs or 504 Plans who qualify for Special Permission for Locally Awarded Verified Credit Accommodations are not subject to a limit on the number of verified credits that they can apply for from the local school division.

● IEP Team or 504 Team must be involved in consideration of the student for the Locally Awarded Verified Credit o Student must be enrolled in a Non-Modified Curriculum – the student must have unique and significant challenges to the degree that the student is unable to demonstrate knowledge on the SOL test using available accommodations.

● The IEP Team or 504 Team may go back retroactively for any student that left without achieving a standard diploma and is still under age of eligibility (before their 22nd birthday for IEP Students or 504 students up to and in their graduating year.)

● Demonstrate achievement in academic content through appeal process must include demographics, course, eligibility criteria, previous SOL assessment, justification and verification session (there is no deadline but consider those students getting ready to graduate first)

● Special Education Director will send the verification form to DOE through SSWS

● DOE will review and reply to approve consideration at the local division or not through SWSS

● If approved by DOE – the local review panel will request records for review before giving permission to award verified credit. The panel shall have discretion in determining the information to be considered and may include, but not be limited to, results of classroom assessments, division-wide exams, course grades, and additional academic assignments (papers, projects, essay, or written questions) as deemed appropriate.

● Based on the evidence reviewed, the local review panel may:

o award the verified credit o deny the verified credit

o suggest participation in a remedial program and retest

o make additional academic assignments as deemed appropriate prior to determining whether to award the verified credit.

The decision of the local review panel will be final.