Advanced Diploma

The graduation requirements for students who entered the ninth grade for the first time in 2018-2019 and beyond are prescribed by the Board of Education in section 8VAC20-131-51 of the Standards of Accreditation (SOA). Additional clarification on some provisions of the Standards of Accreditation, including graduation requirements, is provided in the Guidance Document Governing Certain Provisions of the SOA (8VAC-20-131) (Word).

To graduate with an Advanced Studies Diploma for students entering the ninth grade for the first time in 2018-2019 and beyond, a student must earn at least 26 standard units of credit and five verified units of credit. Students earn standard credits by successfully completing required and elective courses. Students earn verified credits by successfully completing required courses and passing associated end-of-course SOL tests or other assessments approved by the state Board of Education. More information on standard credits, verified credits, and locally awarded verified credits can be found on the Credits for Graduation webpage.

Please note: Your school counselor can tell you which courses are offered by your school to fulfill the requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma.

In addition, students must pass end-of-course SOL tests to receive verified units in specific areas. The requirements for graduation that are in effect when a student enters the 9th grade will apply for that student until he/she graduates.

Advanced Diploma


AP, Honors, IB, Dual Enrollment, Work-Based Learning, or CTE Credential - Students shall (i) complete an Advanced Placement, honors, International Baccalaureate, or dual enrollment course; or (ii) complete a high-quality work-based learning experience, as established by Board guidance on work-based learning; or (iii) earn a career and technical education credential approved by the board, except when a career and technical education credential in a particular subject area is not readily available or appropriate or does not adequately measure student competency, in which case the student shall receive satisfactory competency-based instruction in the subject area to satisfy the advanced studies diploma requirements. The career and technical education credential, when required, could include the successful completion of an industry certification, a state licensure examination, a national occupational competency assessment, or the Virginia workplace readiness assessment.

Virtual Course - Students shall successfully complete one virtual course, which may be a non-credit-bearing course or a required or elective credit-bearing course that is offered online. Guidance on this requirement is provided in the Guidance Document Governing Certain Provisions of the SOA (8VAC20-131) (Word).

First Aid, CPR, and AED Training - Students shall be trained in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED), including hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Students with an IEP or 504 Plan that documents that they cannot successfully complete this training shall be granted a waiver from this graduation requirement, as provided in 8VAC20-131-420 (B).

Demonstration of the 5 C’s – In accordance with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate, students shall acquire and demonstrate foundational skills in Virginia’s 5 C’s: critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and citizenship.