

Become anyone, anywhere, at anytime. That's the beauty of studying drama.

Explore the human experience, attitudes and opinions to understand why people do the things they do. Drama is a collaborative art form and you will develop your talents - physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, creative and expressive - as well as developing your self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • 2 units Preliminary / 2 units HSC

  • ATAR

  • Board Developed

  • 1 Individual Major Work

  • 1 Group Major Work

What to expect when you choose Drama

Drama Subject.mov

Let students tell you why you should choose Drama

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1) Theatrical Traditions and Performance Styles

Performance and Essay

A revision and more in-depth look at theatre throughout history, including:

  • Movement

  • Ancient Greek Theatre

  • Stanislavski and Realism

  • Absurdism

  • Expressionism

  • Political Theatre

  • Physical Theatre

2) Elements of Production in Performance

Design Portfolio and Analysis

  • Stage/Lighting Design

  • Costume Design

  • Poster and Promotion Design

  • Critical Review

3) Improvisation, Playbuilding, Acting

Group Performance and Reflection

  • Create and perform a self devised performance in a group of 3-6 students

Stale Wisdom - GP Recorded at OFFSTAGE, January 30th, 2016.MP4

What a Group Performance looks like


1) The Individual Project

Choose your own adventure!

In Stage 6 Drama you can specialise in an area of your own interest by choosing from a range of options for your Individual Project.


This project involves the development of a solo performance.

Design: Costume, Set, Promotion or Lighting

In this project area students are able to target a more specific skill set as they can choose to complete a costume, set, promotion or lighting design for a play on the text list.

Critical Analysis

In this project students can choose to complete a Director’s Folio of work based on a set text, Theatre Criticism (reviews) or a Drama Research Project delving into their own specialised area if the drama world.

Script Writing


2) The Group Performance

One of the most important parts of Drama at high school is the experience of working within a group. This experience culminates in the Group Performance in a Drama students' HSC year. So, what is involved in Group Performance and why do we do it?

All students taking Drama must complete a Group Performance in Year 12. This piece is created by the group using a variety of stimulus, their previous practical experience and their own ideas. These performances are presented to HSC markers at our school in the middle of Term 3. Here are some answers to questions about the Group Performance:

Does everybody get the same mark?

No, the Group Performance is marked so that every performer is evaluated individually. While the group help each other in the creation of the piece, they still receive an individual mark at the end.

Do I get a say in who will be in my group?

Yes, each student has the opportunity to make suggestions about who they may want to be with and to flag with the teacher any issues between themselves and others within the class. We are normally able to come to an arrangement that everyone is happy with and one that works within a group.

What happens if there’s an issue in my group?

Your teacher will closely monitor the process and many of the rehearsals will take place in class time. If there is a problem, the teacher is always willing to step in and help you.

What if we don’t know how to start or get stuck?

Your teacher is there to guide you and as you navigate the process to performance. They will also provide stimulus and workshop opportunities to help along the way.

HSC Design Project - Poster and Promotion

HSC Design Project - Costume


In HSC Drama we also look at styles of theatre, both in Australia and in other places and times.

3) Contemporary Australian Theatre

In this topic we look at two Modern Australian plays and how they make comment on the Australian society and way of life, as well as showing an insight into our history.

Through the experience of workshopping these plays and considering how they are theatrically presented students are able to explore the styles of Australian theatre today and evaluate their own opinions about the society they live in.

4) Contemporary Australian Theatre

Studies in Drama and Theatre involves students learning about aspects of drama and theatre in societies and cultures, past and present. Productions and works for this topic may be drawn from Australian and non-Australian material.

Students will explore the dramatic forms, performance styles, techniques and conventions and consider the implications of staging these performances for a contemporary Australian audience.

Dispelling the Myths: What is Drama really worth?

Does Drama ‘scale badly’?

No. this is a total myth. As with all subject, it all depends how well you fare, and how much effort you put in.

What does a regular class look like for Drama?

Drama is a practical subject which means that you will taking part in practical acting workshops and creating performances in small groups. At times you will be asked to present snippets of plays and you may also need to present things in other creative ways, thinking about staging, lighting and other elements.

Do I have to do written work?

Yes, in Drama you need to be able to write about and reflect on your experiences of theatre and drama. This is in the form of informal Logbook entries and occasionally in more structured writing situations. In Drama we write about our experience so our essays are a combination of creative and structured writing styles, which is a very natural style in which to write.

How much is the practical/performance parts worth?

For the HSC the Individual Project and Group Performance are together worth 60% of you total external HSC mark and the written exam is worth 40%. Therefore, the practical works are worth more.