Oak        Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

We have discussed our similarities with the Lion,  the main character in the book we have been using to help us learn. As a class, we have decided that we like gardening, we like playing with a friend and we like caring for animals. 

This week we have discussed our family pets and how we look after them. Team Oak wanted to make their family pets using play dough. We worked together to measure and combine the ingredients before moulding them into shapes resembling our family pets. While making, we talked about what makes our family pets special to us. 

Luana: I love Jumble. He licks me and that is how he tells me he loves me. 

Archer: Cedric copies me when I lie down. 

Aiden: My doggies are funny. They try and kiss me. 

Louis: Loki sits on my lap and cuddles me. I love him. 

Next week we will be further exploring how to look after our pets and what they need to stay safe and happy. 

This week we have enjoyed our first PE session. This week we have focused on listening skills. We have moved in a variety of ways to music before stopping on a signal. 

PE kits will be sent home every Friday, please return them to school on Monday. Thank you.