1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: Human relationships can create a sense of belonging. 

Over the last two weeks, we have started to explore our central idea 'human relationships can create a sense of belonging.' To introduce this concept we have been looking at the relationships we have in our lives, how they make us feel, and how they treat us. We have been focussing specifically on families and friendships. We have also been exploring the children's sense of identity through the text 'What makes me a me?'. We have done lots of writing about the people we love, what we like to do in our free time and what we enjoy learning about. The children have also explored the significant events in their lives such as going to nursery/pre-school, starting school and starting year one, discussing how they have changed along the way. We have been enjoying taking our learning outdoors and using our surroundings to develop our understanding of books we have been enjoying and using naturally found objects to help our maths knowledge develop. 

Reminder: Google Classroom is now up and running. We have posted this module's home learning here and will be celebrating all of the amazing work the children have done at the end of term. Please feel free to bring the work they have completed throughout the module and I will happily store it! We will be getting logins for numbots across shortly.