4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: An inquiry into what impacts our health- both body and mind.

Acacia class have worked very hard this week across all subjects. We have finished our first line of inquiry into physical and mental health, where we have a clear understanding of what they are and how people's health can be affected if they live in a city, town or village. We have moved into inquiry two, where we are looking into healthy lifestyles and how external influences can affect our body and mind. In writing, we have finished their personal recounts of their morning routine and journey to school. We have also started planning our instructions for our pizzas we will be making. In reading, we are still looking at 'Giant' and are looking forward to what Anzo is going to do next. Maths we are continuing with place value and have been looking at number lines to 10,000  and partitioning numbers up to 10,000 also. 

The new Google Classroom has been set up for home learning now for a week. This home learning is to be continued over the rest of this term and on the 18th October we will be doing a whole class showcase, where the children get the opportunity to show what they have created and to educate everyone else within the class. Could all children please remember their reading book every day for Mr T and for the children to have their reading cards on Fridays, to allow us to check and reward children for how much reading they have done this week.