

Principal's Message

On Monday 2nd October we will be celebrating Harvest in school. Hopefully lots of you will be able to come and share in our celebrations by attending the Harvest Assemblies. If you would like to attend, please remember to complete the Google form that was shared with you on Wednesday. 

As mentioned in my letter about Harvest, the food bank would be extremely grateful of any donations. If you would like to donate something please send it in with your child on Monday 2nd October and we will pass it on to Rev Nicky. 

This week, we set up an Eco Warriors team who will be supporting the school in looking at ways we can save energy and protect the environment. The team had lots of fantastic ideas of things we can do as a school and are keen to get started. 

Unfortunately, the weather has not been great this week. As it gets colder and we have more rain, please ensure your child brings their coat into school. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs H Penning

Wednesday 27th September - Year 6 Magistrates Talk

Monday 2nd October - KS1 Harvest Assembly - 8.55am 

KS2 Harvest Assembly - 2.40pm  

Thursday 5th October 5.00-5.45pm- Year 6 Aylmerton parents meeting

Wednesday 11th October - Parent Consultation Evening 

Friday 13th October 9.15-10.30am - EYFS Open Event for children starting in September 2024 

Tuesday 17th October 5.00-6.00pm - EYFS Open Event for children starting in September 2024

Wednesday 18th October - Y5/Y6 Netball competition

Friday 20th October - Last day of term 1

Monday 6th November - First day of term 2

Tuesday 7th November 9.15-10.30am- EYFS Open Event for children starting in September 2024

Office Messages

Upcoming Events

National Online Safety 

Behind video-sharing platforms (like YouTube) and streaming TV shows and movies, gaming is the third most popular online activity for children in the UK. In fact, according to recent data from Ofcom, an overwhelming 89% of children aged 3 to 17 play video games. Of those, more than one in five (22%) talk to other players online who they don’t know outside the game. 

The risk of contact from strangers is just one of the reasons that many parents are concerned about their child’s gaming: increased screen time, inappropriate content and in-game spending also figure among the most frequent fears. Agreeing on some rules around your child’s gaming activities can certainly help, and our guide has some useful tips for establishing these boundaries.