3Beech Learning Update
Central idea: Our lifestyle is influenced by our choices.
Planning and writing a non-chronological report. This is a very impressive first draft.
Our inquiry this week has really taken shape as we have delved into what a healthy lifestyle looks like. Children have constructed clear sentences, learned how to write useful notes from a text, planned and begun writing their own non-chronological report. Our science investigating has helped us to question how animals get their food. We have also enjoyed looking back at the 'Eatwell Plate' to revise the 5 different food groups and how a balanced diet supports healthy living.
In maths, we have been securing our knowledge of place value through practical use of manipulatives and problem solving involving numbers up to 1000. We have been finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a number, as well as estimating on a number line, comparing and ordering. When you are out and about this week, please do practise asking your child to read numbers and talk about their value (more than, less than).
We are all delighted to have chosen a book from our wonderful school library; children are encouraged to take their book home to read each evening, please make sure it comes to school every day! Children will be able to change their books every Wednesday.
The new Google Classroom for Home Learning has been set up. I have shown children the new format for home learning and they are eager to share this with you. If you are having difficulties getting set up on Google Classroom, please do pop in and see me at the end of the day - I am happy to help.