2Sequoia   Learning Update

Central idea: Exploring identity can develop a sense of belonging

We have had another busy week. Our inquiry focus has been 'Identity' and the children have enjoyed writing a fact file about themselves; they wrote about their own likes and dislikes and considered the things they can and cannot do. We have had some lovely discussions about the qualities that make us all unique! We started our second line of inquiry and began by inquiring about the different communities we all belong to.

Our focus text has been Croc and Bird by Alexis Deacon; a beautifully illustrated picture book that explores identity and belonging. The children have written in role as one of the characters after some lovely drama activities, they have used adjectives to describe settings and sequenced the story. We are looking forward to writing our own stories next week. 

This has linked well into our Science of 'Animals, including Humans' where the children will be investigating how animals grow from babies to fully grown.

The new Google Classroom for Home Learning has been set up for a week now. Please take a look and choose an activity to complete. We have posted this module's home learning and will be celebrating all of the amazing work the children have done at the end of term.!  The children have all been given their Numbots login so that they can continue practising their number skills at home.