Juniper Learning Update

Central idea: People communicate to share knowledge and experiences.

Miss Williams and I are incredibly proud of the early years children and how quickly they have settled back into the school routine. Team Juniper have shown quite how keen they are to learn and participate, it is wonderful to see the children growing in confidence every day. The central idea for module 2 is: people communicate to share knowledge and experiences, which will be explored through the children's individual and shared experiences and celebrations.

The children have shown great compassion while learning about remembrance day. While considering what we would like to say to those who defended our freedom, Esme thought that we should say "thank you for being brave" and Jamie wanted to thank the men and women who served for "keeping us safe". Which we agreed on as a class, showing quite how caring the children are!

In maths, we have been exploring the composition of numbers (knowing that numbers are made up of two or more smaller numbers). I have seen real excitement when the children use resources to explore the composition of different numbers. We have moved on to exploring shapes focusing on circles and triangles, we went on a shape hunt around our school and the children spotted shapes all around them. How exciting!


Please remember that Miss Williams or I are always happy to chat if anything comes up, please do hang around after drop off in the morning or at pick up in the afternoon and we will gladly speak.

  • PE is every Tuesday.

  • Reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday.