1Spruce Learning Update

Central idea: Celebrations can enhance the way we see the world.

This week has been a great start to Module 2 and we have been learning all about celebrations, discussing what a celebration is and what different celebrations there are. We collaborated together to create a 'knowledge harvest' full of ideas about celebrations, and I was incredibly impressed with how many the children could name!

We have also focused more in depth around Bonfire Night as a stimulus as many of 1 Spruce told the class that they had been to a fireworks display. We have used this to enhance our writing using adjectives to describe a display that we watched together in class. We will continue to learn more about this celebration across the module, using our key text to help us build more knowledge.

The children have also been busy exploring materials in science, discussing what a material is and how it differs from the word 'object'. Erwin said: "A material is what an object is made from." - Fantastic definition Erwin!

In maths we have been looking at systematic number bonds which can be very tricky, along with subtraction which has been introduced to the children. We also spent some time using our art skills for a very important cause, creating a wreath for our poppy walk for Remembrance Day as we remember all of those who have served/served for our country.

Reflection Site

Here is a link to our Reflection Site. We have been thinking about our learning from last term.