5Aspen Learning Update

Central idea: The appreciation of artforms can be determined by the audience.

We began the week by reflecting upon our central idea from Module 1: please enjoy reading our reflections here.

The remainder of this week has been focused on remembrance and the importance of doing this. With a focus on trench warfare of the First World War, we created poetic language of a soldier's experience which we were then able to place into our own poems of remembrance. We also created sketch landscapes of poppies, the symbol of remembrance: we hope you enjoyed seeing both forms of work during the remembrance walk.

Within maths, we continued our focus on addition and subtraction, whilst also having introduced ourselves to multiples and factors, exploring how we can identify these. Our reading this week has focused on appreciating and understanding poetry of the First World War.

Reflection Site

Here is a link to our Reflection Site. We have been thinking about our learning from last term.