6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Architecture as a form of expression reflects culture and history.

We have made an exciting start to our inquiry, researching and thinking about the core principles of architecture. The children have made some fantastic suggestions and requests as to where they would like to take their learning journey over the coming weeks of this module. To begin with, the children created an information page where they have used some impressive creativity to present their work! We have discussed architecture locally as well as around the world and we have learnt that there are different types of architects.

We have been converting fractions in maths and the children have been recapping finding common denominators and the lowest common multiples. To support the children with their working out, we are continuously working on times tables facts to enable the children to be able to find multiples easily.

KS2 were fortunate to be able to go to the church on Thursday afternoon for a special Remembrance service. The children were commendable as they sat in the church and listened to each other's poems and letters of Remembrance and said their special prayers. We hope that everyone enjoys the Remembrance walk and enjoys the Georgia O'Keefe inspired poppies that we created this week.

Reflection Site

Here is a link to our Reflection Site. We have been thinking about our learning from last term.