Stowe High School

Week in Review

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” -Brené Brown

November 13th, 2020

Today marks the end of our first week of the second quarter. Teachers used part of Wednesday to complete quarter 1 grading and reporting and we anticipate mastery reports to be finalized by the end of next week. Please also remember that next Friday, November 20th will be a half day for students as next week marks the end of the trimester for middle and elementary schools. Students will still meet for in-person learning for all four class blocks. Classes will end at 11:30 and buses will be picking up students by 11:45. We are building in 15 minutes for students to pick up a lunch before they leave school for the day.

Last weekend, Stowe High School’s varsity girls soccer team defeated Vergennes 4-0 to win the state championship. The team played so well together and have much to celebrate given all that we are managing in our community, state, and country. Congratulations to coach Tyler Post on another great season.

Yesterday and today all students completed an educational lesson with their block 3 teacher on lockdowns (ALiCE). ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. The purpose of our ALiCE training with students is to empower them to participate in their own awareness of potential threats. Our ALiCE training provided proactive response options to increase positive outcomes. The entire training was dialogue-based, using student-friendly language, and lasted approximately fifteen minutes.

Lastly, as we watch the number of cases increase all around us, it’s important to continue to be vigilant with safe practices and remind each other and our students about those practices. As a school we recognize that we can only control what is going on inside the building and we are proud of the work we are doing collectively to ensure we have a safe learning environment each day for our students. We also recognize that we can’t control what everyone does outside of school so we are relying on the greater school community to call people in when they need a reminder of how to properly wear a mask and keeping a 6-foot distance from others. We also need to be sure to express compassion for anyone who may be sick and to also interrupt any public criticism that may come up as we hear stories of what others are doing in the community. Let’s continue to be supportive and model safe behaviors and stay home if you are not feeling well.

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, November 16: Registration for Winter Athletics opens

  • November 17th, Tuesday, 7:00 PM- SHS Junior Meeting - Planning for Post-Secondary Options

School counselors will discuss what juniors should be doing now, resources for getting started, how to begin the college search, the latest college admissions statistics, financial aid and scholarships.

Where: Google virtual meeting

Why: To begin planning for post-secondary options

Who: All juniors and their parents/guardians

RSVP to: Anna Vasseur through email or in person by Nov. 13th

A meeting link will be sent on Nov. 16th to all that RSVP'ed

  • Friday, November 20: Early Release Day (end of trimester 1)- Classes end at 11:30am

Student Announcements:

This year our Student Leadership group is creating student announcement videos for all students. These videos are shared with advisories each Wednesday. Watch the most recent videos below.

September 30 Video October 7 Video October 21 Video October 28 Video

November 3 Video

More Student News: Virtual College Tour Opportunities CLICK HERE

Stowe High School's Gay Straight Alliance:

On Tuesday, November 11 the Stowe High GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) hosted its first book club event. Twenty people, both staff and students, read titles featuring LGBTQ+ characters. The titles included The Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin, The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater, The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Students discussed issues related to gender expression, society's need for gender labels and norms, challenges that members of the LGBTQ community face, and how these topics connect to the school environment at Stowe High. It was a lively conversation filled with many ideas about action steps that could be taken to make SHS a more welcoming safe space for those who identify differently from mainstream expectations. Are you interested in learning more or borrowing a book? Please contact

Snow Days will be School Days:

As the colder weather approaches and we already saw snow this week, we need to plan for the possibility of school closings due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions. In the event we need to call for a snow day, we have developed a remote learning plan so that students can continue with their coursework. When we have a snow day, we will follow our current schedule . For example, if we need to call a snow day on a Tuesday, the students that were scheduled for in-person will have their classes remotely via Google Meet. Students who were already scheduled for a remote day will continue with the plan that was outlined by their teachers for remote learning.

Help support Stowe Community Church with creating Thanksgiving baskets for families. Ask your student to grab a feather for an idea for a donation.

State Champions!!! Go Raiders!

QR Code for Health Screening

Health screening stations in the main lobby.

Numbered parking spaces outside

Technology News:

*This year (2020-2021) we are using a new content filter for student devices. The product is called Securly. Securly is designed to block sites and content that are not suitable for school. The biggest difference students and families will see this year is since the filter is on the device, the content filtering that we use in our buildings is now applied to our devices when they are at home. Also, Securly has parental controls that we will enable and communicate more about later in the year. At this point, there is nothing parents need to do. If you have questions, please reach out to our SMHS technology manager Jake Goss ( If your student experiences any technology based issues related to Securly, you can submit a ticket to our ticket system by emailing

Family Resources:

*Please help the Health Department spread the word about the new video, "How Contact Tracing Slows the Spread of COVID-19." The brief video (1 minute, 42 seconds) is to help educate people about how contact tracing works, why it’s an important tool to slow the spread of COVID-19, and to encourage people to answer the call if they are called by a contact tracer.

*Assistance for overdue utility bills information

*Suicide Prevention Information from our school counselors

*Flu Shots

Now is the time to get your flu shot. Local pharmacies and primary care physicians are providing flu shots. The Community Health Team through CHSLV can help people navigate the medical system, including transportation to flu shots. Call 888-6017 or email