Welcome to Phase 4

Phase 4 Classes

The Phase 4 curriculum encompasses all four learning pathways; Brook, Stream and River at our main site and River and Waterfall at our Milestone at Wilmington (M@W) Post-16 Satellite provision. This allows for each student to access a curriculum which meets their holistic learning needs. 

Phase 4 recognises that as our students mature, so too must our curriculum. Whilst our focus does not alter in gaining, developing and refining core and academic skills and knowledge, we also recognise that as our students edge closer to embarking away from us into their own lives beyond our school we must support, engage and challenge them to take those skills they have mastered and ensure they can apply them functionally, in real life settings, scenarios and locations.

To complement our curriculum, the co-curriculum provides opportunities to generalise skills and further develop communication, cognitive, personal and social skills. These opportunities include lunch time clubs, recreation, work-based learning/ experience and regular community participation.