Stream Pathway
Module 3
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves.
Central Idea:
Exploring the creativity of others helps us to express ourselves.
Lines of Inquiry - An inquiry into:
Our interactions with different cultures.
How we feel in different environments.
Engaging with others.
Key Concepts:
Connection, responsibility, perspective.
Learner Profile Attributes:
Communicators, principled, open-minded.
Inquiry- Reading
Students have been fostering their love for reading by choosing their favorite stories, listening to an adult read aloud, and engaging with the pictures by pointing to them and making comments.
Life Skills Challenge
Students have embarked on a new Life Skills challenge, beginning their new module by identifying and sorting pictures of fruits and recognising healthy foods.
Physical Education
Students have engaged in archery during PE lessons, enhancing their gross motor arm skills and hand-eye coordination.
Physical Education
In PE, students have been given the opportunity to use choice boards to select activities they would like to participate in as a reward for their excellent performance during the lesson.
Inquiry- Maths
During our math lessons, students have been enhancing their measurement skills by exploring concepts of big and small and distinguishing between shapes and sizes, even when the size differences are subtle.
During horticulture lessons, students have been using verbal and visual instructions to guide them in sequencing the steps for planting their own seeds.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
This term, students participated in an exciting new activity: table cricket. They were highly engaged, eagerly awaiting their turns, observing their peers, and enthusiastically cheering them on.
Inquiry- Writing
Students have been working hard to develop their writing skills by first tracing patterns and then creating the same patterns on their own.
Module 2
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves.
Central Idea:
Exploring the creativity of others helps us to express ourselves.
Lines of Inquiry - An inquiry into:
Our interactions with different cultures.
How we feel in different environments.
Engaging with others.
Key Concepts:
Connection, responsibility, perspective.
Learner Profile Attributes:
Communicators, principled, open-minded.
As part of our Inquiry learning, we have been investigating number sequencing through engaging games. Students have practiced arranging quantities in order and distinguishing between groups to identify which number indicates a greater amount.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
In our ASDAN module, students have been enhancing their social skills by interacting with friends and participating in various games across different areas of the castle building.
During our morning work, students have been using resources to support them in completing tasks. They have been matching symbols to create a calendar of events happening throughout November.
Business Enterprise
Students have been hard at work planning and designing crafts to sell for our business enterprise project. They have also taken the first steps in creating their products to prepare for sale.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
Students have been actively using symbols and objects to identify the materials and resources needed to complete their individual work tasks.
Inquiry- Reading
In our extended reading and communication skills activities, students have been working with less familiar symbols and using matching grids to sort and differentiate them, which supports their reading development.
Inquiry- Write Dance
Students have been enhancing their writing skills by integrating movement-based activities. They have been practising gross motor skills through a creative approach that involves music and ribbon work.
Physical Education
Students have started learning new skills through hockey, which has been instrumental in building their attention and focus.
Business Enterprise
Students have been busy making and creating sweet bags that they can sell at our Christmas fayre. Students were using key vocabulary to support their functional maths knowledge.
Students have been engaging very well during their target learning time, and have been completing their work with increased independence.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
Students have been actively engaging in semi-structured learning opportunities by using and responding to visuals, as well as increasing their awareness of the objects and materials needed for specific activities.
Life Skills Challenge
Students have been gaining hands-on experience in the kitchen by following recipes to prepare their own food.
Students marked Children in Need by creating their own Pudsey Bears through arts and crafts. They also participated in fundraising by wearing their own clothes.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
Students have been designing and creating their own Christmas baubles as part of our business enterprise lessons. Through this project, they have also been incorporating mathematical terminology during functional and practical activities.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
Students have been integrating their ASDAN module into various lessons throughout the week. As part of this, they have been developing their social interaction skills by engaging in a range of turn-taking games, fostering teamwork and communication in a fun and interactive way.
Life Skills Challenge
Students have been enhancing their awareness of their own bodies by using symbols to label and identify different body parts, promoting recognition and understanding.
Independence Skills
Students have been developing their independence skills during target work sessions and have been actively locating their own individual work tasks.
During our science lessons, we have been exploring different textures. Students have also been using symbols to describe the textures of their favorite items, encouraging sensory awareness and expressive communication.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
Students have continued crafting items for their Business Enterprise Christmas Fayre and take great pride in the creations they’ve made.
Inquiry- Write Dance
Students have developed their skills and refined their fine motor skills by practicing with smaller printed writing patterns.
Students have had opportunities to develop their computing skills by using a variety of computer software for playing games and supporting their learning and engagement.
Life Skills Challenge
As part of their life skills challenge, the students have been exploring various areas within a home and identifying items that are typically found in each room.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Object
Students have created their own hot chocolate cones to sell. They used scoops to accurately measure out the hot chocolate and marshmallows.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
For our ASDAN module, students have been actively engaging with their friends through dance, using this activity to build social connections, and express themselves creatively.
Functional Skills
Students have been developing their independence by learning to use cooking utensils effectively, building essential life skills and confidence in the kitchen.
Fine Motor Skills
Students have been practicing their fine motor skills and enhancing their writing abilities by tracing small, printed writing patterns.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Object
Students have continued to engage with and explore various resources to create their wooden Christmas tree decorations, developing their creativity and hands-on skills in the process.
Students have shown great pride in their crafting activities and are beginning to display excitement as they eagerly anticipate their upcoming Christmas fayre.
Functional Skills
Students have started decorating The Flat and are beginning to get into the festive spirit.
Independence Skills
Students have been making use of The Flat in the Castle building, following guidance to build their independence skills in a home setting.
During our Science lessons, students have been further enhancing their understanding of contrasting textures and using symbols to represent the various textures of materials and objects.
In our horticulture lessons, students have been using visual instructions to create Christmas wreaths.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Object
In our ASDAN module, students have been crafting their own wreaths using dried fruits as decorative elements.
Business Enterprise
Students had a great time organising their own Christmas fair, where they showcased and sold the items they created during their Business Enterprise lessons. They also enjoyed managing the process of accepting payments for their products.
Inquiry- Write Dance
Students have been building their independence and confidence in writing activities by tracing patterns with guided hand movements.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
Students had a wonderful time enjoying each other's company during their Christmas dinner.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
Students have been initiating and expanding their chosen interactions across various environments. They have been actively seeking connections, demonstrating enjoyment, and enhancing their social skills.
ASDAN Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
Students have been strengthening their friendships in class while enjoying yoga sessions. These activities have also supported their well-being, allowing them to channel their energy and express their emotions through yoga.
Inquiry- Library
Students have enjoyed their visits to the school library and have actively participated in listening to stories.
Physical Education
In physical education, students have engaged in trampolining, building their confidence and exploring their own movements on the trampoline.
Students have been learning new signs for the festive season, which have been incorporated into our classroom assembly activities.
Students have been carrying for their plant beds within the allotment and hav e been gaining indepenence in using gardening tools and following instructions.
In maths, students have been identifying shapes using Numicon tiles. They have also been exploring the quantities represented by each tile while learning about numbers and their values.
Module 1
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves.
Central Idea:
Exploring the creativity of others helps us to express ourselves.
Lines of Inquiry - An inquiry into:
Our interactions with different cultures.
How we feel in different environments.
Engaging with others.
Key Concepts:
Connection, responsibility, perspective.
Learner Profile Attributes:
Communicators, principled, open-minded.
Life Skill Challenge
The students in Eynsford have been completing work related to their Life Skills Challenges. They have been sequencing routines linked to their personal care. We have been learning about teeth brushing and using symbols and pictures to sequence and order and match alongside real life items.
Inquiry learning
The students in Eynsford have been exploring our Transdisciplinary Theme: Express yourselves. They have been expressing themselves by recognising thier likes and personalities. Students have also been choosing activities and items that make us feel happy.
Physical Education
During PE students have been completing physical activities and using PE equipment to develop our independence as well as linking our learning to our ASDAN unit of Exploring the Wold around you and showing what objects and equipment we can use in different environments and activities.
Business Enterprise
As part of our Business Enterprise students have been using communication boards to choose colours to make art pictures. Students have been following instructions to create art displays as well as using objects and materials as part of our ASDAN unit.
In Horticulture students have been planting their own seeds. Students have planted Runner Beans and Lettuce seeds and have been following sets of instructions to care for our newly planted seeds.
Independent Living Skills
Eysnford class have been completing functional skill activities as part of their daily routines. Students have been using the washing machine in the flat as part of their daily jobs.
Eynsford class have been working hard in their target work lessons, we have been exploring number and looking at and comparing amounts to support our understanding of the term 'more' within functional and practical activities.
Physical Education
During our PE lessons, Eynsford students have been engaging in football and have been developing their skills.
During our Horticulture lessons, Eynsford students have been linking their learning to their ASDAN Working with Objects module, and showing what gardening tools they can use to help care for our plant beds.
Eynsford students have been recognising numbers. Students have been exploring contrasting quantities and matching against their given number. Students have also been using the term 'more' and using this within their number skills work.
Life Skills Challenge
Within our Life skills challenge students have labelled items that are found in certain environments.
ASDAN- Engaging with the world around you
As part of our ASDAN module- Engaging with the World around you: People and friendships, students have been exploring qualities of a friend and made their own values and qualities poster.
During computing students have been engaging with technology to support their Inquiry learning and exploration. Students have been knowledgeable and have applied their previous learning to different activities.
Functional Skills
Students have been helping to care for the allotments. Students have been showing which tools they can use for various tasks within the allotment.
Within our ASDAN module- Engaging with the world around you: people and friendships, students have been learning about their friends, and choosing friends to interact with to develop our social skills.
Students have been tending to their planted seeds. They have also been organising various objects and matching them with images to identify tools and items used in gardening.
Life Skills Challenge
Students have been learning about hygiene routines, and have been using visuals to sequence their hand washing routine, demonstrating their understanding of what comes first and next.
Within our ASDAN module, students have been engaging in shared activities and have also been working together to develop their engagement skills. Students have been applying social skills through turn taking.
Students have been reflecting on their work, expressing pride in their accomplishments, and sharing their success with others in the phase to celebrate their achievements.
Social Skills- ASDAN
As part of our ASDAN module, Engaging with the World Around You: People and Friendships, students have been enhancing their social and interaction skills by participating in group activities, enjoying games, and practicing turn-taking.
ASDAN- Engaging with the world around you- People and Friendships
Students have enjoyed collaborating in groups and interacting with adults. Our favorite part of the day has been celebrating our achievements together, dancing, and engaging with everyone to our chosen songs.
ASDAN- Engaging with the World around you: Objects
In our ASDAN module, students have been working with various objects during their cooking lessons. They have enjoyed experimenting with different ingredients and using a range of cooking utensils.
Inquiry afternoon
Students enjoyed participating in the phase and coming together as a group to share what they learned this term. They also appreciated engaging in a variety of activities through agency-led learning.
Students have been exploring their emotions and regularly using the emotion board to identify their feelings. They have also started to recognise their own self-regulation levels and have been expressing what they would like to do to manage their emotions.
Inquiry - English
As part of our Inquiry learning, students have enhanced their engagement skills by exploring various storybooks. They have been identifying pictures on the pages and using their communication sheets to help label the images.
Physical education
Within our PE lessons students have been exploring games and turntaking and have been engaging in cricket lessons to develop our hand eye coordinatiion skills.
Buisness Enterprise
In our Business Enterprise lessons, students have been creating their own artwork, expressing themselves through the use of various paints and colours.