October 2023

Superintendent's Focus

Matt Pacer

Reflecting upon our theme of focused, fearless, faithful many Bible characters come to my mind.  At first glance, Rahab the harlot wouldn't top my list.  After all she was a common prostitute and straight out lied to the King of Jericho’s men.  Yet she is one of only two women listed in the faith chapter of Hebrews 11 (Hebrews 11:31). We all face times in our journey of life when we lose our way, when we don't believe yet God is still focused, fearless, and faithful. He is the God above and the God below. The same God that turned Rahab’s life around can do the same thing for me, for you, and our students and their families.   She was fearless in asking to be saved.  She feared God and not men. Her boldness paid off.  She hung the red rope and her household was saved. 

The scarlet cord Rahab was asked to hang from her window may evoke images of a “red-light” district but that terminology was not used in Biblical times. We often associate scarlet as a negative color especially when thinking of the woman arraigned in scarlet in Revelation.  However, scarlet was also one of the three colors worn by the priests (blue, purple, scarlet).   The scarlet cord may have represented the blood of Christ just as ancient Israel painted it on their door during passover.  In verse 19 of Joshua 2 the spies twice mention blood in reference to the safety of Rahab and her household.  It reminds me of Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together, Says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”  

There is a beautiful progression from sinner to saint in the story of Rahab.  She starts out far from God yet in the end she becomes a part of His family.  After the fall of Jericho, Rahab was at first put outside the camp of Israel (Joshua 6:23).   Later she dwells in the camp (Joshua 6:25) and eventually marries an Israelite.  Her descendants include King David and the lineage of Jesus.

James 2:25 tells us, “was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?”  Justified in this context means considered/declared righteous.  She was made righteous by the blood of the lamb.  Just as during the passover the Israelites put the blood on the door post so Rahab put a scarlet cord out her window.

Rahab was a believer, she feared God and not man.   In Joshua 2:11 Rahab quotes a part of Deuteronomy 4:39.  I like how the Song Rahab’s Lullaby puts it, “He is God above, He is God below He is God of everything between There's no place you'll be where He cannot go.” She had heard about the miracles of God: crossing the red sea, crossing the Jordan river, defeating the enemies of Israel. She was fearless because she believed in a mighty and powerful Savior, a God that would be with her wherever she went.

No matter what tough situation or crucial conversation you are facing, I want to encourage you to be fearless in standing up for what is right.  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Safe, Supportive, & Collaborative Culture Level 1

Faculty and Staff Complete our Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture Survey.

Effective Teaching in Every Classroom Level 2

Establishing Rules and Procedures

Establishing Rules and Procedures

Louisville Adventist Academy: New England History Tour

Link to the Learning Continuum added to the Class Breakdown report 

In order to make navigation within MAP Growth reports faster and easier, on 8/11/23, we added a link to the Learning Continuum in the Class Breakdown report. The new link is located at the top of the Class Breakdown report directly below the “Modify Options” button.

One fantastic resource for schools is the 3 Angels for Kids curriculum which has lessons for PreK-12.  

This curriculum can be added to your Bible curriculum or integrated in another subject.  Organized by grade level, the curriculum has 10 lessons that can be done all in two weeks or spread over 10 weeks. 

There is also a training module on Adventist Learning Community

We hope you will choose to implement this resource in your classroom

Calendar Reminder:

October 24 & 26 Louisville Teacher Evaluations

October 25 Lexington Interim Accreditation Visit

October 30 Centerville Teacher Evaluations

November 3 Curriculum Committee

Happy Birthday!

Dr. Flynt’s EdTech Tips and Treasures

Video has become ubiquitous with learning.  Here is a link to an instructional video for primary grades created by one of my students, Alexandria Fairchild, on the use of There, They’re Their.  I encourage you to share links for lessons you may have created fo ruse with your students.

Outdoor Leadership Advenure!

Promotional Video

Adventure Leadership 2023.mp4