February 2024

Superintendent's Focus

Dr. Pegi Flynt

Joshua 1:9 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Sometimes it is hard to be brave, to be fearless, to stand in the storm and press on. In the tapestry of scripture, woven with tales of triumph and sorrow, shine threads of divine protection, particularly evident in the lives of vulnerable children. These stories whisper of a watchful hand, guiding tiny footsteps through valleys of peril, a testament to God's tender love for the youngest among us.

Remember Moses, cradled in a reed basket, set adrift on the Nile's treacherous waters. Pharaoh's decree hung heavy, yet the bulrushes became his cradle, the river his lullaby, guided by an unseen hand to the Pharaoh's daughter, his unlikely savior. He who was meant to drown, instead found favor and life within the very walls that sought his demise.

Or think of David, facing the monstrous Goliath, a battle seemingly destined for tragedy. Yet, a smooth stone and unwavering faith became his slingshot, the brook his training ground, his shepherd's staff a shepherd's heart, protected by the God who champions the underdog. The giant fell, not by might, but by the courage of a boy and the grace of a watchful God.

And what about the fiery furnace, where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow, their defiance a beacon in the darkness? Though the flames roared, promising oblivion, they emerged unscathed, not by earthly means, but by a miracle witnessed by all, a testament to the unwavering protection of the one who walks through fire with his faithful.

Or consider a tale of treachery and resilience unfolded, woven around the figures of the power hungry and ruthless Queen Athaliah who craved absolute dominion, and her, the rightful heir to the throne, young Joash. When her own son, King Ahaziah, met a tragic end, she saw an opportunity. In a bloodthirsty purge, she ordered the massacre of all royal offspring, including her own grandchildren, to secure her claim.

But amidst the carnage, Jehosheba, Athaliah's own daughter-in-law and Joash's aunt, defied the queen's decree. With a mother's courage, she snatched the infant Joash from the clutches of his assassins and concealed him within the sacred walls of the Jerusalem Temple. There, hidden in a secluded chamber for 6 years, Joash spent his formative years enveloped in the whispers of prayers and the teachings of the faithful priest Jehoiada, his surrogate father.

For six years, Joash remained a secret prince, the embers of his destiny smoldering in the shadows unbeknownst to Athaliah. This act of defiance, Jehosheba's audacious gamble, set the stage for a dramatic turn of events, a rebellion that would rewrite the course of Judean history and crown the hidden king. The Lord protected Joash, ensuring that he would inherit the promises God made to David. Once again, David’s royal line endured against all human odds through God’s covenant faithfulness (2 Samuel 7:16). In a similar way, God protected the infant Jesus from death at the hands of King Herod and allowed him to secure the Davidic throne forever (Matthew 2:13 – 20). The entire story of the Bible testifies to God’s faithfulness to fulfill his promises and establish his rule and reign.

What potent reminders of the enduring power of faith, of courage in the face of tyranny, and of the unexpected places where hope can flicker even in the darkest of times. It is a testament to the enduring belief that even the smallest, most vulnerable life can carry within it the potential to reshape the world. These are but a few threads in the grand tapestry, each a reminder that God's watchful eye is ever upon the vulnerable, especially the children. He shields them from harm, whispers courage in their ears, and grants them strength beyond their years.

So, when shadows loom and fears grip our hearts, let us remember these stories, whispers of hope amidst the storm. For even in the darkest night, God's love shines brightest, a beacon guiding our children, and us, through every danger, towards the dawn of His unfailing grace.

Let us draw comfort from these ancient tales, reminding ourselves that even the smallest among us are held close in His hand, forever protected by the One who loves them most. And let this knowledge fill our hearts with gratitude, knowing that our children, just like those in scripture, walk hand-in-hand with the Divine, their steps sure, their spirits brave, forever held safe in the embrace of God's unfailing love.

Today’s Prayer: 

Jesus, I may not always see how the pieces of the puzzle will fit together but help me to always believe that they do. Thank you for your perfect will. Amen.

Calendar Reminder:

February 2 Area Inservice @ MAA

February 7 LAA Acreditation Visit

February 9 Area A Inservice @ LxAA

February 12-13 WrAP Testing

February 16 Area C Inservice @ HES

February 19 President's Day- No School

February 23 Area B Inservice @ WSDA

Feb. 29-Mar. 2 Music Festival @ HA

Happy Birthday!

Dr. Flynt’s EdTech Tips and Treasures

Games and the Classroom: With the ease of use afforded by apps on our devices and our computers, games are an increasing presence in daily life and in classrooms.  

Utah's Education network has done a nice job of aggregation for interactive sites of interest to classroom teachers.   I encourage you to bookmark their site. https://www.uen.org/whiteboards/

Quia not only offers IXL math but other cool resources as well. I found this Analogy Battleship interactive that older students might enjoy. 

Huang and Hew (2020) conducted research to support gamification in alignment with established theories surrounding gamification design, sharing key impact factors:

Educational gaming and gaming for entertainment are two separate activities.  The mainstream media and the public in general perceive video games as dangerous and harmful (Adžić et al., 2021).  “A study of young boys aged 6 and 9 showed that once boys receive their first video game system they do not progress as quickly in school as boys who do not own such devices. Gamers have lower reading and writing scores and greater teacher-reported academic problems at follow-up than boys who were not involved in gaming activities” (Adžić et al., 2021, p. 2). While computer games can be effective motivators in the classroom, there can still be negative effects of addictions to video games and allowing young children access to gaming – too young, too soon.


Adžić, S., Al-Mansour, J., Naqvi, H., & Stambolić, S. (2021). The impact of video games on students’ educational outcomes. Entertainment Computing, 38, 100412. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2021.100412.

Huang, B. & Hew, K. F. (2020). Using gamification to design courses. International Forum for Education Technology & Society, 24(1), 44-63. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/26977856.

School Safety