Madison's Hillside Terrace of Worship

In Summer 2020, we pondered three distinct projects for our two schools and church campus: an amphitheater for religious gatherings, outdoor classroom space inspired by a pandemic, and field/hillside changes to improve the spectator/family experience. A visionary among our former parents envisioned the seamless integration of these projects, giving birth to the captivating terraced picnic space.  

After raising the funds, the rising construction costs created challenges beyond our budget. We went back to the proverbial “drawing board” several times. We engaged with Powell Building Group to help us consider options that would allow us to construct quickly while being financially responsible and to use it for all the wonderful purposes for which it was intended. After watching the terrace be built throughout the fall, we were informed that we had a complete date in November. On the request of a major donor it was named “Hillside Terrace of Praise,” as a reminder that no matter the occasion this space was to be used to praise the Lord above all.  

On Thursday Nov. 16, about 300 people including students, staff, parents and volunteers joined together at the Hillside Terrace of Praise to officially open it for use. Three different ribbons were cut by representatives of the church, community, donors, state legislature, elementary, middle and high school all in unison. Music filled the air as the school music teams led worship followed by some amazing group photos.  

Just a couple of days later on Sabbath afternoon there was a special dedication service held at the Hillside Terrace with many members of the church and community present. Multiple music groups performed from elementary students to alumni of Madison. There was cornbread, chili, and hot drinks to go around. It truly is a blessing to have an outdoor space dedicated to praising Jesus. We hope that this new space and the events that are held there do nothing but give God honor and glory. It reminds me of the Psalmist when he says in Psalm 147:1, “ Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant , and praise is beautiful.” 

Kelvin Del Valle

Advancement Director - Madison Academy