Secondary Spotlight

MCE/MA 10th Annual Prayer Walk

On August 13, an army gathered on the campuses of Madison Academy and Madison Campus Elementary. The blueprints from 2 Chronicles 20 were followed. An army with weapons drawn, fully prepared for battle. The weapons of choice that evening: praise, rhema (the spoken Word of God) and prayer. Brigades of parents, troops of students, battalions of staff and companies of community members marched on to campus and unleashed their weapons. The battle was fierce and unwavering. The soldiers were resilient.

Every classroom, every teacher, every student was prayed over at both MA and MCE. The hallways, the chapels, and the gymnasiums were covered in prayer. The parking lots, the playground, and the entire campus were drenched in the haze of these prayers. Not a single square inch of either campus went without prayer. There was nowhere the enemy could hide from the shelling of these weapons.

Praises were blasted out into the air toward the King. The Word of truth was spoken out over classrooms and penetrating promises were shared with one another. The enemy didn't stand a chance on this evening. Just as Jehosaphat and the Israelites stood in the Valley of Beracah with their weapons of prayer, rhema and praise, this modern-day army did the same and watched (and continue to watch) God claim the victory! We will continue to sing out, "Give thanks to the LORD, for His love endures forever."