June 2024

Superintendent's Focus

Heidi Ruckle

“Spring Fever”

We have spent this 2023-2024 school year with the theme: Focused, fearless, faithful. I would like to take just a few moments to revisit and sum up this theme as the school year draws to a close. This is the time of year that we in education know as “spring fever”. The kids are tired, the teachers are exhausted, and everyone is on the countdown to the last day! Even with all of that in mind this is the time to remain focused on learning, fearless in the face of tough days, and faithful to the mission of Adventist education.

The final days can be some of the hardest of the entire school year, these are the days when you know you still have so much to do but the clock and the calendar just keep ticking…it seems faster by the second! How do we finish strong? How do we stay focused, fearless, and faithful?

·      Focused-(Philippians 4:8-9) These are verses that we all have read and may even have hidden in our hearts and minds. They remind us to fix our minds (or FOCUS) on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. To keep putting into practice all that we have learned. When we make a choice to see the good in the students that fill our classrooms (even when spring fever hits), when we love them like Jesus, and when we focus on all that is lovely, we find strength that is not our own.

·      Fearless-(Isaiah 41:13) “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand—And I say to you- Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.” We never enter a classroom alone! God goes before us, He goes behind us, and He holds our hands on the most difficult days.

·      Faithful-(Matthew 25:23) “His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things! Come and share your master’s happiness!” We are each looking for a “well done!” teaching is a high and worthy calling. It is hard yet sacred work, when you are faithful God sees all your hard work and is with you each day. 

As the end approaches for each of you, I remember well the silence of my empty classroom at the end of the school year. As the last student is picked up there is a momentary feeling of pure bliss that rolls over your very soul! It is quickly replaced by the knowledge that your classroom will never again look like it did that morning when the bell rang. Tiny humans will go onto the next teacher, and you will get new students in August ready to learn and grow. It’s that feeling of bliss and sadness all wrapped up in a single moment. It is a bit like laughter through tears. Yes, soon the “spring fever” will break, summer will come! Enjoy these last few days with your students for the 2023-2024 school year. Take a deep breath, focus on the lovely, have no fear Jesus is with you, and stand faithful in the work you are called to. We are all so proud and grateful for the mighty Kingdom work done this year in the schools of the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference schools! Thank you!

Joshua 1:9 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Resource spotlight

NWEA YouTube page 

We have recently added new videos to the NWEA YouTube page. A great place to start learning more about MAP Growth is with the MAP Growth 101 playlist.

Important video available: “What is the Learning Continuum” (48:07 runtime)

In July 2023, the Learning Continuum was updated to make it easier to use. With that change came a request from our partners to provide updated training materials on how to best use the Learning Continuum in the classroom. In response, we have created an in-depth video that explains what the Learning Continuum is and how to successfully incorporate it into data-informed decision-making: The video is posted on the NWEA YouTube channel and has timestamped chapters to make it easy to jump to the section of the video you are most interested in.

Technical updates:

Updated minimum requirements and secure testing applications

How to download, install, or update NWEA Secure Testing Browser for Mac or Windows

Curriculum Spotlight

Science of Reading

TN Foundational Skills Curriculum Supplement.

This supplemental resource follows evidenced-based research and was carefully crafted in order to build a solid foundation for pre-K through grade 2 early literacy. This supplement uses a systematic and explicit approach to instruction so that all students can gain the foundational skills necessary to become proficient readers.

Note: The TN Foundational Skills Curriculum Supplement is an open-source resource that is free and available to anyone. TN's curriculum supplement was developed for any and all teachers, parents, higher education agencies, and others to help support students' foundational literacy skills acquisition. You are welcome to use these free, open-source materials for personal and professional use; however, the materials may not be sold for profit. If materials are used in professional development, we ask that you give the TN Department of Education credit.


This is a supplemental resource and should not take the place of Pathways 2.0.

Professional Development

Are you interested in starting or enhancing a robotics program at your school? Adventist Robotics partners with FIRST to provide robotics programs and tournaments to Adventist schools and communities across North America. For more details, please visit our web site or contact Mel Wade - mel@adventistrobotics.net.


FIRST will be providing FIRST Certified Professional Development at Forest Lake Academy in Orlando, Florida again this summer. There are also other locations across the US at various times.




For other FIRST Certified Professional Development locations and dates, please visit Educator Professional Development | FIRST (firstinspires.org).


Adventist Robotics is a ministry of the Florida Conference Office of Education for Adventist schools and communities across the North America.


For further information and/or questions, please connect with Mel Wade - Adventist Robotics mel@adventistrobotics.net
Mel Wade Book time with Me

Calendar Reminder:

May 17 End of 4th Quarter

May 24-June 1 KYTN Campmeeting

May 31 Closing Reports Due

Happy Birthday!

School Safety

Trainings helpful for Emergency Operations Planning (Safety Plans):


Daivd Matthews

Thank you for your 33 years of service to Adventist Education!

Ken Hallam

Thank you for your 40 years of service to Adventist Education!

Graduation Season

Madison Kindergaten Graduation

Ridgetop K and 8th Grade Graduation