NAD Convention Spotlight

Photos/Reflections from Phoenix

Thank you for the opportunity to go on this trip. I truly had an amazing time. Not only did I learn some cool things and get some excellent resources for the upcoming year, but also I had some wonderful personal encounters with God. I felt the Holy Spirit moving and guiding me every step of the way. From the worship sessions to the people I encountered, I was absolutely blessed. Thanks again for the encouragement and support. -Roy Mitchell


I felt validated as a teacher.  The lectures from Marzano reflected what I have already been doing in my classroom.  

There were no new "magic curriculum ideas"; we were just encouraged to continue doing what we are doing.  It was very uplifting.-Sheila Jones

The convention - I really enjoyed connecting with friends and educators from across the division. The sessions and speakers were motivating and offered great reminders as to why we do what we do. -Chadd Watkins