Helburuak / Objectives

These are the GOALS of the project:

Work on the acquisition and improvement of key competences:

● Linguistic competence in mother tongue and foreign language (work with texts).

● Mathematical competence (handling of the data resulting from the questionnaires, working in the

bibliography of the different scientific)

● Digital competence (work with digital tools) . %75 of students learn to work with digital tools.

● Learn to learn (students are the protagonist of their learning).%75 learn how to work with infographies.

● Social and civic competence (activities on gender equality)

● Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit (tasks to develop student autonomy)

● Awareness and cultural expressions. %50 of students learn new scientific vocabulary

● Improve teamwork. Evaluate the work of their partners.

Create secure digital environments for online teaching of different subjects with a multidisciplinary treatment of curriculum topics of the classes involved in the project.

● Increase Students’ mastery of STEAM Concepts and Skills and promote scientific vocations

Work on the acquisition and improvement of specific competences: