Jarduerak / activities


2. Mars and its geology

Mars, The red planet

3. Chose the best materials to build a rocket to go to Mars: 

Physics and Chemistry activities                                       

Activity 1 and 2- Exploring materials (look and feel) and measuring mass         

Activity 3 and 4- Thermal and electrical conductivity

Activity 5- Impact test

Activity 6- Magnetism


Here we are the students conclusions:

Our students speak about the perfect material to built a rocket to go to the space

material perfektuaren bila.mp4

Creating the rocket in Tinkercard

That'll be my transport to Mars.

The objective of this activity is to design a rocket to go to Mars. In this activity, our students have to draw the rocket where they will travel. After this, during the Technology classes, the will get the digital design by using TinkerCAD software. This software offers the possibility of printing the house in 3D by using a 3Dprint.



 In it, you're going to find some designs (the work area is not large.) I think they can escalate.

 I thought these were nice and easy.

 You can also guide students on one of these designs as a foundation, and after that, they can be personalized.

https://www.thingiverse.com/thing: 45316

https://www.thingiverse.com/thing: 1558212

https://www.thingiverse.com/thing: 8754

5. Life is posible on Mars? Closed microecosistems