Let's Go to Mars


NASA has entered the second phase of a competition it launched in 2015 that aims to find the home of the future for astronauts on Mars. The next stage of the competition is to build scale models over the next year. You will be the engineers who will think about the materials and the design of the new houses where future astronauts will live.

In this STEAM project, we will land on Mars, explore the surface of the planet, design a permanent base for the arrival of your colleagues, create an orchard to our own survival, and learn the atmospheric conditions in Mars.

We will need, mathematicians, biologists, chemists, physicists and engineers to successfully build the house that will best withstand the adverse conditions on Mars. We have a difficult but exciting challenge this year!Β 


-Improve team work.

-Learn about the density, properties of the elements, planets, viruses and living beings, weather conditions, and any subject related with our mission.

-Improve key competencies, mainly digital and linguistic competence, as well as competence in science and social and civic competences.

-Create secure digital environments for online teaching of different subjects with a multidisciplinary treatment of curriculum topics of the classes involved in the project.Β 

Oinarrizko konpetentziak hobetzearekin batera, zientziarako gaitasuna eta gaitasun digitala hobetzea du helburu, baita gaitasun linguistikoa etaΒ  gizarterako eta herritartasunerako konpetentzia ere. Proiektu honetan Nafarroako Iturrama BHIrekin arituko dira talde-lanean, Italiako beste bi ikastetxerekin batera. Zientzietako curriculuma landuko dute: dentsitatea, elementuen propietateak, planetak, birusak eta izaki bizidunak, eguraldi baldintzak eta Martera joateko misioan aurkituko dituzten bestelako gaiak. Ikasleen interesei egokitzen diren gaiak aztertzeko aukera eta beraien errealitatera gerturatzea lortu nahi da.

Online ikasteko ingurune segurua erabiliko dute naturan gertatzen diren aldaketak eta fenomenoak behatzeko, ikertzeko eta ulertzeko, diziplinen arteko elkarlana ardatz dutelarik.