Koldo Mitxelena, the Basque Country

IKT Dinamizatzaileak, Arabako Berritzegunea

With regional ICT facilitators. Teachers' Training Educational Institute

Europeana MOOC-Teacher Meet

TeachMeet: present your own Europeana learning scenario!


Idoia Zapirain's Learning Scenario presented in the Europeana MOOC by European Schoolnet and curated by Katalin Lorincz. 

European Schoolnet Academik antolatutako Europeanari buruzko MOOC-ean aurkeztutako unitate didaktikoa Europeanako blogean argitaratu dute.

Kopernik, Poland

7th February - eTwinning webinar "Europeana - zmieniamy klasę KULTURAlnie!' hosted by eTwinning Polska 

Demo Party as a good practice - how to use Europeana in eTwinning projects.  

Anselmo de Andrade, Portugal

Rita Neves from Portugal explains how she supports her students virtually and how she helps them to reflect on climate change and its implications whilst they are at home. 

Addressing the 2020 eTwinning theme at home

School website-eTwinning

Divulgamos - 22 de abril DIA DA TERRA: 

blog entry  

Cantabria, Santander

Visita del SNA a Santander

School website-eTwinning projects

Article on the Website of the eTwinning National Support Service (SPAIN)

5 December, 2019

eTwinning SENSE group

WI'MO Klagenfurt, Austria

Donji Miholjac, Croacia 

OA a VOŠE Tábor, CZ

Challenges in Tábor                                                                                                                    School web

eTwinning group Kavárna Inspirace

Introducing Demo Party project as such and also its running activities during the school closure (online sessions for students, for teachers, online chats) to Czech teachers during a regular online meeting in an eTwinning group Kavárna Inspirace, May 2020. 

8 Marzo - K. Lorenz, Mirano, Veneza 

Il progetto di Giulia, Filippo, Sveva e Rachele per diffondere ai loro coetanei nel mondo delle semplici regole per proteggere sé stessi e i propri cari dal covid19.