eTw-T-R-A-I-N is an eTwinning project aimed at secondary school students (aged 15-19). The aim of the project is to bring students together so that they can practise their communication and ICT skills and develop the attitude that is described by the title: T- Tolerance, R- Respect, A- Action, I- Innovation, N- netizens. The project will take on the form of a sustainable railway journey. The participants will catch our eTw-TRAIN in September and will virtually travel around Europe visiting the partner countries. The students sitting in different compartments will be working together in international teams. While travelling, they will be creating the Travel Diary and taking part in various challenges whose aim is to raise awareness concerning such topics as sustainable tourism, eSafety, culture, slow fashion, circular economy, STEAM. Thus, when they get off the eTw-TRAIN at the end of the journey (= the end of the school year), they are Tolerant, Respectful, Active, Innovative Netizens.ย 


eTwinning European Prize 2022

Premio Europeo eTwinning 2022


The project aims to develop communication in the foreign language (mainly English), digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression.

Students will:

- raise awareness concerning eSafety

- become active, responsible and tolerant citizens and netizens

- share European Heritage and develop cultural exchange

- develop creativity, collaboration, communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and responsibility

- raise awareness of sustainable travel, ecotourism, slow fashion and circular economy

- become familiar with STEAM and take part in EU Code Week

- become familiar with SDGs and its connection with climate action

- enrich the knowledge of partner countriesย 

1. Batxilergoko ikasleak eTw-T-R-A-I-N eTwinning proiektuan lanean aritu dira Polonia, Belgika, Austria, Grezia, Hungaria, Herbehereak, Kroazia, Italia eta Portugaleko kideekin. Ingelesari dagozkion hizkuntzaโ€komunikaziorako konpetentzia, eta teknologia digital eta mediatikoa erabiltzeko konpetentzia (ahoz nahi idatziz komunikatzen jakitea) lantzeaz gain, zeharkako konpetentziak ere landu dituzte, eta egoera-problemei eta erronkei erantzunak eman dizkiete. Ikasleek sortzen dituzten produktuek benetako ikusleak, entzuleak eta irakurleak izan dituzte. Bestalde, ingelesez komunikatzeko gaitasuna modu errealean landu dute ikasleek. Horretarako, plataformak eskaintzen dituen eztabaida-guneak eta txatak erabili dituzte, eta antolatutako bideokonferentzien bidez, zuzeneko konexioak egin dituzte.