eTwinning proiektuko kideak ezagutzeko atala

This is Koldo Mitxelena

We have shared this video about our school with our partners.

These are our partner schools 

Demo Party-Partner schools

Urte batez eskola trukatuko bagenu, zein izango litzateke zure aukera?

Imagine you are going to swap schools for one year with one of your partners. Which school would you choose and why? 

Would you like to meet our Partner Towns?

Let's go on a DemoParty Tour

Proiektuko kideen herrialdeak ezagutu ditugu.

Interaction: find sites/landmarks from a partner town and edit the map to add them. 

Kideen aurkezpenak irakurri ditugu eta beste herrialdeetako toki esanguratsuak mapan gehitu ditugu.

Who is Who?

Who is Who? Read your partners profiles. Any questions or comments about your findings? What would you like to ask to your partners? Have you found somebody with similar likes or dislikes? 

Nor da nor? Proiektuko profilak irakurrita eta eman dizkiegun pisten bidez, gure kideak nor diren asmatu dugu.


Tic-Tac-Toe Demo Party 1