Routines and schedules

Creating consistency and predictability can help kids feel more comfortable as it helps them know what to expect.

This website offers explanations about types of visual schedules and how to make one.

Check out these examples...

Below are some tools for creating visual schedules. Here are a few ideas to consider when making a schedule:

  • These can be personalized to fit each individual's needs and preferences...the schedules can be made with pictures, hand drawings, or words.

  • You can make one schedule for the whole day or use a schedule for an activity that has several steps or just a part of the day (such as the morning routine or chores).

  • To motivate kids it can be fun to get to mark the tasks/activities once their done...This could be done by crossing them off, making a check mark, or moving the activity to the "Done/Completed" area.

  • Putting fun things later on the schedule can be a good motivator for getting through less preferred tasks.