Looking For Things To Do

Social Media

It's a way to be connected with others but there are some important things to consider when you're online...SAFETY and PRIVACY are top priorities and remember once you post something - it's out there forever.

Take a Break

Sometimes it's nice to sit back, relax and hear a good book...especially when it's read by an astronaut IN SPACE!

Practice Gratitude

Noticing things that you are thankful for can be a great way to focus your brain on good things and feel better. Click the link above to practice!

Practice Kindness

When we do good things for others we can HELP OTHERS and HELP OURSELVES feel better. Wash the dishes, write a note to a family member telling them what you like about them, pick up litter outside...What can you do today?


Sometimes doing something else can help distract your brain from the worries and give your mind a break. Want to check out one these brain games? Click on picture above.

What's the Plan?

These days we're all out of our normal routines and schedules... making a plan for the day can help you feel more settled and get things done.

Goal Setting

This is a great opportunity to take some time and think about what you want to do and begin making a plan to help yourself get there.

Move around

Taking care of your physical body is important for settling your brain...It could be yoga, playing basketball, dancing in your room, playing with slime, or having quiet time to yourself. What are 5 things you can do to get up and move around?