How do I cope?


Some ideas include YouTube workout videos, going for a walk outside, and riding a bike or scooter. Even just getting up and walking around the house can give you a boost that makes you feel better.

Click the picture above for some yoga videos.


Check out some great ideas for ways to relax by clicking on the picture above.


Writing about our experiences and getting our thoughts out on paper can be very helpful with understanding what we are feeling and why. Feel free to use the notes app in your phone if you don't want to write on paper.

Talk about it

Find a family member or friend who you trust to help you feel more supported. You can also go to the "Contact Us" tab or click on the picture above to find out how you can contact your School Social Worker and set up a time to talk with them.

Oh brother! (or sister!)

Sometimes getting along with brothers and sisters can be tough...try to find a place you can go to that allows you to get space from them when needed.

Talk to an adult if the issue continues.

Listen to music

Listening to music can help us get out of our heads for a bit. Finding music that you can relate to can help you feel less alone, too. Go one step further and have a dance party!

Call or FaceTime Someone

Especially during this time of social distancing, it is very helpful to have ways to stay virtually connected.

Call or video chat with a family member or friend you haven't talked to in a while.

Read or Listen to a Book

Find a good book you can get lost in. If you don't like reading, you could listen to other people read through different websites/apps like YouTube or Audible. Click on the link above to take you to 'Fun stuff' where there are video books available to listen to.

Get Creative

There are many different ways to be creative. You can do arts & crafts, different DIY projects, draw something, paint a picture, or color. YouTube has several good tutorial videos on different projects you could try. Click on the picture above for different craft ideas!

Take a break

Sometimes we just need to take a break from life. Check out this information about space and listen to an astronaut (or Oprah) read some good books.

Click on picture to left.

Positive Self-Talk

Just like with sports, robotics, and music, good coaching is key. You can help coach your brain by using positive self-talk. Try to come up with one positive thing about yourself and focus on that. If you can't think of something, try to think about what your best friend or family member would say they like about you.