
What am I feeling?

When we understand how we are feeling, we can choose appropriate strategies to help us cope with our feelings. Below are some strategies to help us identify our feelings.

These strategies include a feeling choice board, a packet of 10 Days of Daily Check Ins, a feeling thermometer, and a feeling chart. Check in's help us identify our feelings and make decisions about when we need to use coping or calming skills.

Click on the books to hear more about feelings.

Use the charts below to practice and choose how you are feeling.

feeling chart circles.pdf
SEL 10 days of Daily Check In.pdf
Copy of emotional thermometer.pdf
feeling chart revised.pdf


Anger is a strong feeling or emotion usually triggered by an event. Everyone feels angry sometimes. It is important to understand our own triggers for anger and how to cope with this strong emotion.

If you want to talk about feeling angry, please contact one of the social workers here.

Anger iceberg
Feelings and “Flipping our Lids”
anger flame.pdf

Sad or Discouraged

Sadness is a normal human feeling. Everyone feels sad sometimes. We may feel sad when things do not go the way we expect, when someone has said or done something unkind, or when we lose a loved one. When we feel sad, we can get some relief by using calming strategies.

If a person is sad for a long time and no longer wants to do things they used to do like get out of bed, get dressed, talk with loved ones or play because they are sad, then it is time to talk to a parent, doctor, counselor or social worker. If you have been sad for a long time, please contact one of the social workers, talk to a parent or a trusted adult.

If you want to talk to someone about feeling sad, please contact one of the social workers here.


Worry, Anxious and Scared

Anxiety and worry are normal emotions. They signal us to pay attention so we can protect ourselves. Anxiety alerts us and prompts us to adapt. However, when we're overwhelmed by anxiety, we may become stressed and unable to adapt.

Feeling worried or scared are other normal emotions. We might feel scared about something real or imagined happening to ourselves or a loved one. We might feel scared something is not going to happen. Some of us feel scared of insects, loud noises, heights, or the dark. When we are worried or scared, we can use appropriate coping strategies to manage our emotions. Feeling scared helps us learn to be brave.

If your strategies are not helping you to manage your emotions, you will need help from an adult. If you would like to talk with someone about feeling worried or scared, please contact one of the social workers here.

Anxious graphic.jpg

Games and Activities to help with feelings

Playing games and doing activities help us learn more about feelings.

feelings cootie catcher.pdf
Name that feeling.pdf
feeling question.pdf