What if I feel anxious?


Sometimes it helps to use some of these relaxation techniques when we are feeling anxious.

Click on the picture to above to see some ideas.


Sometimes doing something else can help distract your brain from the worries and give your mind a break.

Check out some of these games by clicking on the brain above.

Coping Skills

Here are some strategies to consider...what one sounds good to you?

Click on the image above for coping skills.

Size of the Problem

Sometimes how we FEEL can affect our THINKING.

Asking ourselves if what we're worrying about is a big deal (mountain) or a little deal (mole hill) can help us decide how much energy we want to give to the worry and then we can decide what strategy might be able to help.

Positive Self Talk

Just like with sports, robotics, and music, good coaching is key. You can help coach your brain by using positive self-talk.

Try to come up with one positive thing about yourself and focus on that. If you can't think of something, try to think about what your best friend or family member would say they like about you.