Social Skills

Thinking and Acting Like a Friend

When we are around other people, we have thoughts and feelings about their behaviors, and they have thoughts and feelings about our behaviors. Using kind words and a calm voice tone, sharing and taking turns, talking with others and listening to their words, and solving problems together are all expected behaviors for joining in and playing with our friends. This is called social thinking.

Social Thinking ( involves understanding Expected/Unexpected Behaviors, Whole Body Listening/Interrupting, Thinking about others through Flexible Thinking and Perspective Taking. Below are some similar to the social thinking program for you to practice.

flexible thinking
Being a Good Friend.pptx
PBIS Whole Body Listening Lesson.pdf

Personal Space

Personal space means keeping a safe distance between ourselves and another person. When we talk or play with others, maintaining personal space helps us and our friends feel safe and comfortable. (During the Covid-19 pandemic, personal space is much larger and helps to keep us healthy. Our families and loved ones will help us to know how large our personal space should be during this pandemic).

Here are some activities about personal space.


Body Language

Body language is one of the ways we communicate our feelings and thoughts to others. Body language includes facial expressions, posture, and eye movements. It is important to be aware of our own and others' body language so that we can understand each other more clearly.

Here are some activities to help with body language.


Calm Voice

Our voice tone, volume, and speed communicates many things to others. Yelling loudly for help lets others know there is an emergency. Whispering in the library helps others continue to learn. BUT what happens if you yell when there is a small problem? Will others feel uncomfortable? Will they want to help you?

It is important to match our voice level to what is going on around us. If we keep our voice calm even when we are upset, we can communicate our needs more clearly and get help from others.

Here are some activities on voice level.

Copy of volume meter teaching.gif

Having conversations

Talking with friends and family involves starting a conversation, listening to the others while speaking and answering questions or saying something back to show you understand.

Practicing having conversations is important to help us be kind to others and have others listen to our needs. Below are conversations starters, rules for having a conversation and activities to practice talking with others.


Joining in Play, Turn Taking and Sharing

These are all skills we need to be good friends and help us work together as a team.

Look below for ideas on how to join in play, take turns and share.


Compassion and Kind Words

True Success are videos and practice on character traits.

It is currently free.