Parent Involvement
Hello, I'm Erika Rodgers, the Parent Community NetworkingCoordinator (PCNC) at Nimitz Elementary. My aim is to cultivate asense of community and establish a supportive partnershipamong our families, students, teachers, and school to enhancestudent achievement.
Parent engagement plays a crucial role in student success, andwe appreciate any support you can offer. If you're interested involunteering for various opportunities, please scan the QR codebelow and complete our Parent Volunteer Opportunity form.
For any inquiries or concerns, feel free to reach out to me viaemail or phone. I'm also available for in-person discussions if youprefer. I'm excited to meet all of you and nurture a positivecollaboration between you and our school for the benefit of ourchildren.
Thank you,Erika RodgersParent Community Networking 307-4430
Parent engagement plays a crucial role in student success, andwe appreciate any support you can offer. If you're interested involunteering for various opportunities, please scan the QR codebelow and complete our Parent Volunteer Opportunity form.
For any inquiries or concerns, feel free to reach out to me viaemail or phone. I'm also available for in-person discussions if youprefer. I'm excited to meet all of you and nurture a positivecollaboration between you and our school for the benefit of ourchildren.
Thank you,Erika RodgersParent Community Networking 307-4430