Attendance Policies
The school pays close attention to a student’s attendance. Students who are in school less than one-half of the school day are marked absent for the entire day.
It is important to come to school on time. If your child arrives AFTER 7:50 a.m.:
The student must report to the school office with an explanation as to why they are tardy.
The student will be given a tardy slip.
Arrival after 11:00 a.m. will be recorded as absent.
Regular attendance is important and children should not miss school unless it is absolutely necessary. Please inform the school of an absence by filling out an NES Absence Report Form.
Trips/Family Vacations (Unexcused Absences)
Trips are considered “time away” from classroom instruction, so please plan vacations to coincide with school recesses if at all possible. Please notify the office in writing in advance when a trip is planned. Teachers are not required to provide homework or make-up work for children on unexcused trips.
Chronic Tardiness/Excessive Absences
Students who are chronically tardy or absent (under 90% attendance rate) will be referred to the counselors and administrators for follow up action with parents.
Attendance Concern Notifications
Due to the Hawaii Department of Education minimum standard of a 90% attendance rate, parents/guardians of a student with less than a 90% attendance rate will be notified of this concern through our automated email system. Should improvements not be made, further mitigating actions may be utilized, such as…
Consultations with NES Administration
Consultations with NES Administration and Hawaii DOE Social Workers
Petition to family court for truancy
Homework Procedures in Case of Absence
Parent cooperation in adhering to the following procedures will enable the school office to expedite the request for pick up of homework without interruption to the classroom. Please inform the school office between 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. if your child is going to be absent.
A student who has been absent for one day is expected to complete assignments upon returning to school.
For long periods of excused absences, learning support at home should be coordinated directly between parent and teacher. If deemed necessary, teachers must be given at least 24 hours within the school week to prepare any assignments or materials necessary.
Early Dismissals/Student Pick Up Procedures During School Hours
To expedite the early release of students, parents must send a note to the teacher/office regarding the time of departure.
Call for early release should be made at least an hour before departure to allow the teacher and child time to prepare for release.
Parents arriving without notice should expect a 15-20 minute wait. If you come during a recess period, you may have to wait longer.
Students picked up from school before 11:00am will be considered absent for the day.
*Please ensure all parent/guardianship information is up to date, including emergency contacts to ensure student safety.