Using Zoom

What is Zoom and how do I sign in? 

Zoom is a video conferencing app that allows you to meet via video or audio. In Zoom, you can chat with your participants via text, and our school settings automatically record your classes locally into your laptop unless you manually stop the recording.Sign in to Zoom with your JIS account by going to

Should I use the Zoom web version or do I download the Zoom Client (app)?

To access its full features, download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings.  Here is a comparison table of features in Zoom Web vs the Zoom Client. For example, in the web version participants won't be able to select the View Feature or participate in a shared Whiteboard annotation. You will also be able to access your Zoom Personal Link directly from Zoom Client (app).

Extra: Zoom also has an official add-on that syncs well with Google Calendar and the app:  Zoom for GSuite add-on. With this add-on, any additional meetings you schedule from the app can be automatically added to the Calendar and vice-versa. 

How to download and install the Zoom Client (app) 

Zoom - How to Install the Zoom Client app.mp4

(It's a student tutorial but teachers might find it useful too!)

How do I customize my Zoom Personal Link?

Zoom - Set Up Your Personal Link and Recurring Schedule

Using Zoom with your Students

How do I pre-assign students into Breakout Rooms?

How to Pre-Assign Breakout Rooms (video)

Zoom-How to Pre-Assign Breakout Rooms.mp4

How to Create the Breakout Room  .CSV

Zoom - How To Create Breakout Room CSV.mp4

1. Make a copy of this .CSV template. Use Google Sheets or Excel to edit the template.

2. Column A is labeled Pre-assign Room Name and the Column B is labeled Email Address

3. Download the file as .CSV.

Tip: If you are pre-assigning rooms for all your classes (ex. G6-8), add all the rooms for ALL CLASSES in one sheet and label the Room Names with the grade level. 

Some of the rooms meant for other grades will be empty but it will be easier to manually delete the "extra rooms" than to constantly upload the .csv template for every class. 

Deleting the rooms in Zoom won't affect your .CSV template.

How do I manage the pre-assigned Breakout rooms during my Zoom class?

Zoom - How To Manage Pre-Assigned Rooms.mp4

Share your Screen in Zoom

How to Share your Screen

Before you click SHARE...

Click Share Computer Sound to hear external videos while sharing your screen.

Click Optimize Screen for better video playback.

Share Multiple Screens Simultaneously

How to Use Breakout Rooms

Share Multiple Screens Simultaneously

Using Breakout Rooms

Host & Co-Host Control Meetings in Zoom

How to Use Whiteboard in Zoom

Host and Co-Host Meeting Controls in Zoom

How to Use Whiteboard in Zoom

Automatically Record Meetings in Zoom

Zoom - How to Automatically Record Meetings.mp4

How to Automatically Record Meetings in Zoom

View Attendance List in Zoom Web

Need to re-check your attendance list? Sign in to Zoom in your browser and view your list of attendees. 

Add an Alternative Host to your Personal Room

Zoom - Add Alternative Host to Personal Room.mp4

Add an Alternative Host to your Personal Room

Use for external subs, or the teacher's JIS email if he/she is an internal sub.

Important: Delete the alternative host's email in the Zoom app when the classes are done.

Share Lesson Videos with your Class

Option 1: Upload your videos to Google Drive. One of the ways to share your lesson videos with the students is to create a folder in Google Drive, and then share the folder link with your students in Classroom once. See instructions below.

Option 2: Use Google File Stream to directly upload lesson videos to Drive (thanks Matt S!). This is also a good system, and I would recommend it if you intend to use it only for lesson video uploads. I don't recommend using File Stream to edit Google Docs because it has syncing issues and might end up creating duplicate documents ( could be a problem when you're sharing and editing docs with others.) 

Step 1:  In Google Drive, create folders where you can save your videos.

Step 2:  Share the link to the folder with your students. Ask your students to bookmark this link and make time to announce this setup in your class.

Zoom and Drive - upload lesson videos.mp4

After class, just drag and drop the lesson video from your laptop to GDrive and then rename the file by date

If you need to edit your lesson video, use Quicktime and trim the parts that you don't like before you upload to GDrive

Create a Poll

Copy of Zoom Polling & Whiteboard Features