Students are expected to be in attendance each school day unless they are absent due to an accident, illness, home leave, emergency, or excused as a result of administrative action. Anyone who has been absent from school is required to send a notification to the school via email or a phone call from the parent/guardian. A doctor’s report is required for absences of more than three days due to medical reasons.
Students benefit the most by attending school every day for an entire academic year. However, the school is also aware that some students are unable to be in attendance due to transfers, emergency leaves, visa complications, and company vacation schedules.
It is strongly recommended that travel and vacation plans be scheduled to avoid missing school.
School field trips, ESP, and activities are not considered an absence.
Home emergencies, visas, and medical difficulties will be given special consideration.
Student Absence Notification Form: Parents must complete this form to alert the school about their child’s absence,
Parent Absence Notification Form: In line with our child safeguarding policies, parents must complete this form if they are planning to be absent overnight from Jakarta while leaving their child at home. They must indicate on the form the name and contact information of the temporary guardian who is caring for their child so that we can contact this caregiver in case of an emergency.
Leaving school early
Students who need to leave school early must have permission from their parents/ guardians. Parents/ guardians must inform the middle school office ( in advance of collecting their child from school.
See also the JIS Risk Management pages.
Attendance at school events after an absence
Students who are recorded absent from school due to illness or by parent request may not attend after-school athletics or activities on the same day as their absence. A student who is in attendance at school after being recorded ill shall be sent home.
Students must be in attendance 85% of the school days during the year.
If attendance falls below 85% during the semester, parents/ guardians will be contacted, and teachers may give the following report card grade:
IE (Insufficient Evidence): The student was not present in class long enough to be graded. There is an inadequate amount of student work for a grade to be determined.
Making up missed work
Students who have been absent from school are responsible for making up missed work.
Students involved with a planned absence must complete the Pre-arranged Absence Form (available from the MS office). Students use this form to gather assignments ahead of time.
Teachers are not required to prepare additional supplementary materials for the student to make up, except in the case of an extended illness. Teachers plan curriculum which considers the full range of teaching time avialable to them aTeachers are not expected to prepare unique materials in cases of extended student absence arranged by families.
Extended absences for any other reason than medical reasons are strongly discouraged and may lead to No Grade (NG) being given for the class.
PowerSchool Records
Student attendance is recorded in PowerSchool. Teachers will record a student who is late to class as tardy, no matter what the reason there may be. Similarly, student absences will be recorded, though these will be differentiated according to the information we receive from parents/ guardians.
Note: attendance and tardies are not recorded on report cards or transcripts. In extreme cases where students have missed a lot of classes, report card comments may reflect absence as a contributor to grades.
Tardy (Late) to Class
Any student who is not present in class at the start of the lesson is considered tardy. Lessons begin at the listed time (eg. 7:30 am) and students will be marked tardy starting at one minute afterward (eg. 7:31 am). If a student is not present for over 15 minutes of the class, without a valid reason, they will be marked as absent. Students who are more than 15 minutes late to class need to check in at the middle school office.
Classroom teachers will monitor tardy attendance and speak directly with students who are offenders. Teachers will notify the Grade Level LC Leads about repeat offenders. The Associate Principal will regularly collect tardy statistics and arrange interviews with chronic offenders and their parents/ guardians.
Visits to the Nurse’s Office during class time
Where possible, students should visit the nurse during their break. For minor ailments (e.g. bruised leg, headache) students should wait until break to see the nurse. However, when a student is feeling very ill or has received a serious injury, they should see the nurse as soon as possible.
A student who is late to class after a visit to the nurse’s office will be marked tardy. Students are expected to sign in and out of the nurse's office. This information is shared with the middle school office and will be considered in responses to attendance.
Skipping Classes
Skipping class is defined as being absent from class during the day, after arriving at school, without a note from a teacher, counselor, administrator or nurse.
Truancy is defined as absence from school that has not been authorized by parents or legal guardians.
Consequences for Absences:
Attendance before and after Co-Curricular Trips
Students are expected to attend school in the days leading up to and after a co-curricular trip (e.g. academic trips, activities trips or athletics trips). Students may leave school part way through a school day to travel to the destination. Students are expected to be at school for earlier classes and will leave school as a group at the time designated by their trip leader.
Students who arrive back to JIS later than 10pm at night will be excused for the first two blocks on the next day. Students will be marked with a "C" to indicate that their absence is linked to the trip. (Note: If a student arrives late on Friday or Saturday night they will be expected to be at school as normal on Monday morning).
Attendance at Friday Prayer
The Cilandak campus has two mosques- one located next to the K module in middle school where students can pray during their breaks. There is also a larger mosque located in G module, in High School, which students can attend on Fridays for Dhuhr prayer. Students are welcome to attend Friday prayer but parents must email the MS Associate Principal to inform us that you give permission for your child to miss part of their class on Fridays.
Attendance in Physical Education
Physical education is an essential part of a middle schooler's education to promote wellness as part of a balanced lifestyle. All students are expected to participate fully in PE classes unless they are medically excused. Students are expected to wear a JIS PE kit during PE classes.
Students may be medically excused from participation in PE classes because of acute injury or illness. If the exemption is longer than one class, then a doctor’s note should be provided that specifies the length of the exemption. While medically excused, students are still required to wear PE kits during class as they may be assigned an alternate activity, such as coaching or officiating, to engage them in the learning tasks. If a family emergency or religious observance is likely to impact a student’s participation in PE, this should be communicated by the parents/guardians to the teacher in advance; in such cases, the teacher, parent, and student can agree on the maximum level of participation that is suitable for the student.
Students who are menstruating are expected to participate in PE classes, including swimming lessons, as much as they are physically able to. However, if a student is experiencing discomfort or pain during their menstrual cycle, parents/guardians may request a temporary exemption from swimming lessons. In such cases, the student should bring their JIS PE kit to participate in learning activities outside of the pool. Teachers and staff members are sensitive and respectful to the needs and privacy of students.
Ramadan- PE Classes while fasting
During the fasting month of Ramadan, all PE classes run as normal, but the PE teachers are very mindful of fasting students. Fasting students must still attend PE class and change into their JIS PE kit, but they can participate at much-reduced levels depending on individual student energy levels. As individual circumstances may be different for different students, please speak with PE teachers as appropriate if any further accommodations are needed.
Updated May 2024