
料理家Debra Samuelsが伝えたい


Thanksgiving Dinner an American Tradition Meal:

Demonstration and Workshop/Cook Along with Debra Samuels  



9:30 AM~11:30 AM




Debra Samuels 

ボストンにて主宰する料理教室において多くの日本人を指導。アメリカに食育プログラムを紹介・指導する教育者。”My Japanese Table”ほか著者。2020年、Japan Society Bostonより日米交流への貢献が認められ、John E.Thayer III Award 受賞。 


Join us to learn about the iconic American holiday - Thanksgiving. Debra Samuels, long time Boston-based cooking instructor, will introduce the Thanksgiving feast and all the side dishes from her kitchen in Lexington, Massachusetts. Debra has prepared and taught this famous meal in Japan, Germany and Italy.  Debra will show a full typical Thanksgiving table, however she will demonstrate three key dishes:

Mushroom Bread Stuffing, Homemade Cranberry Sauce and How to season and roast a turkey breast. “The Thanksgiving class was my most popular cooking class among my Japanese students,” recalls Debra.  Aware that her students were unfamiliar with the big bird, she knew her special light and tasty turkey gravy would really impress them and we hope it will impress you too. And she’ll teach you what to do with the leftovers! You are invited watch or cook along with Debra as she guides you through the three recipes. 

Debra Samuels, cookbook author, culinary educator and exhibit curator, has been working with children and families for four decades. From 2000 until 2017, Debra was a regular contributor to the Food Section of The Boston Globe. She is co-author of The Korean Table and author of My Japanese Table: A Lifetime of Cooking with Friends and Family, both from Tuttle publishing. Debra puts it this way: “Food is an international language, a bridge across cultures. I continue to enjoy educating, entertaining, and encouraging people of all ages to be creative and to care about its preparation and presentation. I see food as the key to a broad and healthy life.”  


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