October 15, 2023

Event K-POP Dance Lesson (In English and Japanese 

Event ”Why Anime” ? - Anime, Ghibli, Disney, and more (In English) 

K-POP Dance Lesson

【 In Person Class】Lesson in English and Japanese


Arliington Library Fox Branch

175 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02474  




2:00 PM - 3:00




小学生以上、何歳でも大歓迎です。スニーカーで、clogs禁止。飲料水持参 のこと

Would you like to try PTT (PAINT THE TOWN) by the world-famous Korean dance group LOONA?

LOONA is an exciting group, with sharp movements loved by boys and girls. 

In this dance class, you will practice and learn LOONA's elaborate and energetic dance moves. 

Beginners are more than welcome. Let's have fun and break a good sweat while dancing!

We welcome participants from the first grade and up. Please wear sneakers. No clogs. Don't forget to bring drinks.



後に、単独渡米しNYCのBroadway Dance Centerにて、ジャズダンス、ヒップホップ、タップダンス、バレエ、ピラテス、ヨガ、ストレッチのクラスを受ける。

膝の怪我により帰国し3回の手術の後、ダンサーとして復帰。数々のダンススタジオで講師を務めながら、パックダンサーやダンス公演の振り付け、福祉施設でのチャリティーダンスイベントなどに力を入れる。2008年よりボストンに拠点を移し、ボストン近郊のダンススタジオにて講師を務めながら、日本語で受けられるダンスレッスンMOVE & INSPIREを始める。2021年「MV+I」を設立。


Mai Telesford

Mai started studying Nihon-buyo (Japanese traditional dance) when she was two. At age 4, she learned jazz dance after watching her mother in class. From there, Mai continued to train in Jazz, Tap, and Ballet dance while working as an assistant instructor, then added rhythmic gymnastics training when she was 13. After graduating high school, Mai moved to Tokyo, where she began learning hip hop. A few years later, she moved to New York to study at the Broadway Dance Center (BDC) under renowned teachers. Mai returned to Tokyo as a professional dancer and choreographer for concerts, music videos, and other events.  

In 2008, she moved to Boston, where she continued to teach dance and started Move & Inspire. In 2021, Mai established 「MV+I 」.


Why Anime?

-Anime, Ghibli, Disney, and more …

【Zoom 】In English/本講座は英語で行われます。


Oct 15 Sun

5:00 PM ~6:30 PM

Free (This is a fundraising event.

Your donation is much appreciated!)

Is anime simply a mirror on contemporary Japanese society or something more?  Dr. Napier talks about the themes, imagery and ideas of some of the anime and what makes anime the distinctive art form as it is.

Prof. Napier’s talk will include the most recent Miyazaki film, The Boy and the Heron, and her new book comparing Disney Studios and Studio Ghibli.

アニメは現在の日本社会をただ単に反映しているのか、それともそれ以上のものなのか? 日本のアニメに関する多くの本の著者であり、日本文学の博士号を持つタフツ大学の教授が、いくつかのアニメのテーマ、その描写や背景にある思想、そして他の芸術と異なるアニメの特色について講演します。

また、12月に米国で公開される宮崎駿監督の新作「君たちはどう生きるか」(The Boy and the Heron) および、現在執筆中のディズニーとスタジオジブリの比較の話もします。

Prof. Susan Napier 

Raised in Cambridge, MA and obtained B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in modern Japanese literature at Harvard University.  Currently Goldthwaite Professor of Rhetoric, International Literary and Cultural Studies at Tufts University.  

Dr. Napier’s interest in Japanese anime started when she watched the movie version of “Akira” in 1989 and afterwards she encountered Miyazaki Hayao’s Nausicaä.  She thought anime was an art form worth studying and became a pioneer in the study of anime and manga at the time when anime was regarded simply as entertainment for children.  

Now she teaches and publishes on anime and Japanese culture as well as modern Japanese literature. Her books on Japanese anime includes Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation and Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art. In 2003, one of her books translated into Japanese was awarded by Japan Society for Children's Literature.  She is currently writing a book comparing the Walt Disney Studios with Studio Ghibli.

マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジで育ち、ハーバード大学にて日本文学で博士号を取得。テキサス大学でMitsubishi Professor of Japanese Literature and Cultureを経て、現在はタフツ大学International Literary and Cultural Studies学部で、Goldthwaite Professor of Rhetoricとして教鞭をとる。日本の現代文学、特に三島由紀夫と大江健三郎についての研究で博士号を取得したが、その後日本のアニメに興味を持ち、アニメについての多くの著書も出版。日本では「現代日本のアニメ−『AKIRA』から『千と千尋の神隠し』まで」(中公叢書)が2003年の日本児童文学学会の特別賞を受賞。2019年には「ミヤザキワールド‐宮崎駿の闇と光」が早川書房より翻訳されている。現在ディズニーとスタジオジブリの比較研究の本を執筆中。


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