
Nothingness in Japanese Culture




6:30 PM ~8:00 PM

As we see in Itami Jūzō’s film Tanpopo, much Japanese comedy is a critique of form (kata, katachi, kejime). Too much form, or the wrong kind of form, is humorous.

Form balances evanescence (hakanasa, mujō). It gives meaning to an otherwise chaotic, fragile, quickly passing existence.

 The famous formality of Japanese society reflects an equally profound commitment to the nothingness of evanescence.

A good example of form and evanescence coming together is the sararii man who follows all the rules at work and gets totally drunk with the same group of people after hours. Despite his outrageous behavior, all is forgotten when work begins the next morning.

 My talk will try to illuminate the nature of nothingness, and to trace it to earlier manifestations in Japanese cultural history. How and why is nothingness still such a strong cultural force in Japan?




Charles Shirō Inouye is a Professor of Japanese Literature and Visual Culture at Tufts University. He is the winner of the Japan-US Friendship Commission Prize for his translations of Izumi Kyōka, the winner of Lillian and Joseph Leibner Award for Distinguished Teaching and Advising, and most recently the recipient of the Association for Mormon Letters Creative Non-Fiction Prize for his memoir zion earth zen sky.


タフツ大学教授(日本文学・視覚文化)。泉鏡花の翻訳で日米友好委員会賞、Lillian and Joseph Leibner Award for Distinguished Teaching and Advisingを受賞、最近では、回想録zion earth zen skyでthe Association for Mormon Letters Creative Non-Fiction Prizeを受賞。


Books you might be interested in:


*Gothic Tales by Izumi Kyōka (translations, Hawaii University Press, 1996)

“In Light of Shadows, More Gothic Stories by Izumi Kyōka, (translations, Hawaii University Press, 2003 ) Winner Japan-US Friendship Commission Prize

*Evanescence and Form: An Introduction to Japanese Culture (cultural analysis, Palgrave, 2008)


*The End of the World, Plan B (cultural analysis, Greg Kofford Books, 2016)


*zion earth zen sky (memoir, Maxwell Institute, 2021) Winner Creative Non-Fiction Prize Association for Mormon Letters


*Hymns of Silence (short stories about Utah, forthcoming from By Common Consent Press, 2023)

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