5. Begin Converting

After having the opportunity to reflect on the previous year, learn and develop your understanding of tools and digital content, collaborating, and beginning to plan for the year, you will need to start converting all of your important offline content to digital content.

Typically, this conversion process or process of "flipping your classroom" or moving to blended learning opportunities by offering digital resources can take years. Tips for the conversion process include:

  1. Pace yourself - What are the most important components that need digitized? What will you still be able to do synchronously via Zoom/Meets if needed?

  2. Return to collaboration - How can you collaborate or divide and conquer so that you're working smart, not working hard to digitize materials?

  3. Improve - How can you take content or activities and make them even more engaging or authentic online by connecting them to real-world problems and tasks?

  4. Feedback - How are you going to evaluate and offer quick and personal feedback to students for the work they do in class or online?