Week of Sept 18 2023

Global Learners, Lifelong Service

Class of 2027

If you are not  involved in any ASAs, you should be.  Check with the athletics and activities office in the A building to see which ASAs are still open to taking students. 

Class of 2026

If any of you are thinking about going the medical route,  you should come see me soon!

Class of 2025

You should be locked into your IB courses by now, as we are 5 weeks into the class.  The only exception is math, but that should be determined soon.  If you have questions, please come see me or Mr. Lapoujade ASAP.

Class of 2024

If you have a university in which you are trying to meet an Oct 15th deadline for, then you need to send the counselor rec form to me ASAP AND set up an appointment.

Any of you looking at a Nov 1st deadline - we need to meet before Oct 18th - that will leave me two weeks to write and upload your rec.

Keep in mind that I would ideally like to meet with you during your study hall - if not, after school, but there are limited days for that.  I might also be busy at times during your study hall -- so my suggestion is to get the counselor rec done soon and set a meeting time.

Do you want a particular university to visit ISY?  Just fill out this form and I will try to schedule a virtual visit!


You’re invited to learn more about The University of British Columbia (UBC) and what makes us a global top 40 university. This virtual session is specifically for students from Myanmar schools, their families and university guidance counsellors. Register now: https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Arf-2trz4sHdWmF6k-SnyiKsH60Akg5_PK


Wednesday, 20th September 2023, 5.30pm-6.30pm (Myanmar time) via Zoom (link provided after registration)

University Events Upcoming



Scholarship Opportunities

Bond University in Australia

Applying for the two most important international scholarships at Bond is very simple. Every international student who applies to study at Bond will automatically be considered for a scholarship - no extra steps are necessary! Should the student meet the eligibility criteria, a scholarship/conditional scholarship will be granted alongside their program offer.

Stand out with a scholarship

International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship

The International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship grants eligible students a 50% tuition remission for any single or approved combined undergraduate degree (excluding the Bond Medical Program). Successful recipients can commence their studies at Bond in either the January, May, or September semester. Students with 38 points in IBDP are highly likely to be awarded a 50% scholarship.

International Stand Out Scholarship  

The International Stand Out Scholar awards deserving graduates a 25% tuition remission for any single or approved combined undergraduate degree or postgraduate degree. Successful recipients can commence their studies at Bond in either the January, May, or September semester. Students with 32 and above points in IBDP are highly likely to be awarded a 25% scholarship

Learn about scholarships at Bond

Wesleyan University (attended the fair)

Wesleyan College offers very generous scholarships of $5000 - $100,000 over four years to deserving students. You may check the list of programs offered here https://www.wesleyancollege.edu/admission/undergraduate/international/international-students-program-home.cfm

Internships/Summer or Winter Programs/University Opportunities

Want to find out more about Northwestern University?  Explore their digital engagement opportunities.

For any students interested in studying Medicine

We just posted our December, 2023 Doctor Follows Program session dates last week. The Bangkok Program is now half full with eight students (all girls so far). The Chiang Mai Program still has lots of availability with only 4 students booked at this point.

This program is for students specifically interested in following a future path in medicine and health care in the future. It provides 20 hours of hospital department observation time with real doctors and nurses in multiple different hospitals and departments. Not only does the program strongly build student portfolios, but it more importantly allows students to see the reality of what it is like to be a medical professional, and if it is for them. We are hosting two programs in late December, with the first in Bangkok and the second in Chiang Mai. Students are welcomed to join either or both of the programs. This is an English language based program for students from international schools both here in Thailand and abroad. Dates for the two programs are as follows:

- December, 2023 Bangkok Doctor Follows Program: the 16th - 23rd of December, 2023

- December, 2023 Chiang Mai Doctor follows Program: the 23rd - 30th of December, 2023

A bit more about the Friends for Asia Foundation... We are a non-profit foundation registered in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai. We have been operating since 2007 and have hosted hundreds of groups and more than 3,000 volunteers and interns in our Thailand based programs in the past 15 years. Aside from our other programs, the last Doctor Follows Programs that we offered were two groups over the summer, that both maxed out at 16 students from Bangkok, Myanmar, and India. Please feel free to check out more about the Friends for Asia Foundation here:

website: https://www.volunteerthailand.org/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/volunteerthailand

IG: https://www.instagram.com/friendsforasia/

In the coming months we will be hosting online info sessions regarding the December programs. We kindly ask you to share the program info with students you recommend, ages between 14 - 18, that may be interested in following a career path in medicine in the future. Thanks and have a great day! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Ladder Internship Program

Some background on Ladder Internships. In the program, students work 1-1 with a supervisor at a top start-up company or non-profit. During that time, they build a real world project with the company inside of a real work setting. The companies and founders come from theY Combinator, Harvard ILabs, Wharton, Google, Microsoft, McKinsey & Company, among others. The program is also selective - we had 500 students apply for our summer cohort and we accepted about 25%.  

Get more information here.

Students who used to study within Myanmar and are now at universities or in internships across the US have teamed up to form a network that wants to give back to high school students within Myanmar.

On the left is their flyer.  If you would like free mentorship, help with your university research, filling out applications or writing essays, go to their website and they will find someone to help you.

University News

University of the Pacific

Any student from ISY who applies and is accepted to the University of the Pacific qualifies for a 50% tuition discount.  Please see Mr. A-G for details.


This university gives 60% of its international students scholarships.  Have a look at https://www.williams.edu/admission-aid/