Senior Timeline


Class of 2024 IB Diploma Cohort CAS Completion Timeline


*Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is required for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded

CAS Completion Requirements: The most important requirements are: 

Evidence for the above needs to be captured in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac, in each of your CAS experience/ project entries: 



*Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is required for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded

In Grade 12, it is still necessary to maintain your regular participation in clubs, athletics, or other co-curricular activities of your choice until February in Semester 2. 

CAS Expectations and Completion Requirements: 

Evidence of your achievement of the CAS learning outcomes needs to be captured in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac, in each of your CAS experience/ project entries: 

You do not need to continue with CAS during the school holidays. However, if your CAS portfolio is showing very little or no CAS experience at all this semester, you will be asked to engage with some CAS experiences during the holidays. The same applies to CAS projects that require extra time and effort to be completed. So, if you need or want to do some CAS experiences during the December/ January break, then please contact your CAS Coordinator in advance

Always ask for help if you are having some difficulty or facing challenges that are beyond your control. We are here to support you.

*CAS progress report (see the support material here) will be issued in October and December along with your academic subjects. CAS progress will also be recorded regularly in Power School using the SBAR proficiency scale (Secure, Developing, Needs Attention). 



*Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is essential for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded until it is completed. You and your parents will be notified that your Diploma is 'at risk' if there is insufficient evidence of your CAS completion by this time.



*Complete your CAS worksheet on ManageBac by Tuesday, 12 March 2024.

**Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is required for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded. You and your parents will be notified that your Diploma is 'at risk' if there is insufficient evidence of your CAS completion by this time.

CAS Exit Interview: Below are the sample questions that we will discuss for the summative reflection of the CAS Programme:

1. Can you verify that all the CAS experiences and project(s) that you entered on ManageBac are your own, authentic work?

2. How would you summarize your CAS experience in one or two words?

3.  How did you achieve the seven CAS learning outcomes? What are some memorable instances or significant achievements that you can cite as evidence?

4. Which CAS learning outcome was the most important to you? What will you take away from it?

5.  What were some difficulties you faced in your CAS experiences and project(s)? How did these challenges contribute to your personal development and growth?

6. How did your CAS project(s) actually benefit the individuals, community, environment, or the cause that you intended to advocate for and serve? If you were to do it again, what would you do differently?

7. What did you learn from CAS as a whole?

8. How might you use what you have learned here in the future?

9. What kinds of support for CAS were helpful to you? What suggestions might you have for the current and future students?

10. Will you consent to sharing your reflections with the general public within the ISKL community and possibly beyond?

Nearly there! Congratulations on completing the CAS programme -- what a journey!