How to Do CAS


'3-5-7-18': Remember these numbers. They represent the essential items of CAS:

      • 3 Strands of CAS

      • 5 CAS Stages

      • 7 Learning Outcomes

      • 18 months of minimum engagement period with CAS during your two-year Diploma Programme.

'Journey' is a great metaphor for CAS because you will see, experience, and learn a lot along the way:

  • To show how you have been engaging with CAS in your busy schedule, you need to:

    • Keep a CAS portfolio, and

    • Reflect on what you are doing and learning.

  • 'Doing something' becomes an experience when you reflect on why you decided to do it in the first place, and what you are learning about yourself and life through it.

Why CAS?

As a shining beacon of IB Diploma mission and values, CAS enables students to grow as unique individuals and to recognize their role in relation to others. These resonate with ISKL's School-Wide Learning Results (SLRs). Read on by clicking on the arrow on the right hand side.

IB mission statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who

help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop

challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong

learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

The Aims of CAS

CAS aims to develop students who:

  • enjoy and find significance in a range of CAS experiences

  • purposefully reflect upon their experiences

  • identify goals, develop strategies and determine further actions for personal growth

  • explore new possibilities, embrace new challenges and adapt to new roles

  • actively participate in planned, sustained, and collaborative CAS projects

  • understand they are members of local and global communities with responsibilities towards each other and the environment.

The Three Strands of CAS

  • CAS is organized around the three strands of Creativity, Activity and Service.

  • You will explore each one through a variety of co-curricular activities of your choice and at least one CAS project.

  • You can join any of the HS Activities for CAS or find opportunities off-campus.

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, you can also do some CAS experiences at home.

The Five CAS Stages

  • These are necessary for you to engage with meaningful CAS experiences.

  • These will help you with your long-term CAS experience planning and goal achievement.

  • CAS projects must be planned and implemented through these.

The Seven CAS Learning Outcomes

  • In order to complete the CAS Programme, you will need to achieve all seven of them through your CAS experiences and at least one CAS project.

  • These desired learning outcomes contribute to your personal growth in collaboration with others, both in the school community and beyond, with increased awareness for ethical implications in global issues.

CAS Requirements

Engaging with CAS: A Minimum of 18 Months in both Year 1 and 2 of the DP.

  • This means that all IB Diploma students need to engage with CAS continuously in their first and second year (grades 11 and 12) of the IB Diploma Programme.

  • CAS reminds us that learning is best done in a holistic and balanced way that includes academic and experiential learning.

  • No matter how busy we are, our hobbies, passion, and other activities with different people allow us to have some quality time to lead a healthy lifestyle, for our physical and mental well-being.

CAS Experiences

  • These are the co-curricular activities that you can choose to do for CAS, such as: clubs, team sports, service work, non-IB elective courses, off-campus lessons, etc.

  • Through these, you will explore all three strands of CAS, work towards your goals through the CAS stages, and achieve the CAS learning outcomes.

CAS Project

  • Every IB Diploma student needs to initiate and complete at least one CAS project.

  • CAS projects lead students to:

    1. Collaborate with different people to achieve common goals or help mitigate real-life challenges.

    2. Explore opportunities to offer their skills and passion to do the above.

    3. Grow by enhancing their awareness and understanding of commitment and perseverance, and how to consider ethical implications in tackling global issues in their local environment.