CAS Project


IMPORTANT: CAS Project Guidelines 

'A CAS project is a collaborative, well-considered series of sequential CAS experiences, engaging students in one or more of the CAS strands of creativity, activity, and service... [It] involves collaboration between a group of students or with members of the wider community. Students work as part of a team, with all members being contributors.'

CAS projects can be done within the ISKL community or beyond

Your project must: 

What is the Difference between a CAS Experience and a CAS Project? 

You are engaging with a CAS experience when you participate regularly in clubs, sports, lessons, organised events, etc. For example, you attend the weekly Earth Club meetings and participate in all of its activities/ events that are scheduled into the club's annual calendar. Or you plan and adhere to a personal fitness routine that you worked out with a qualified trainer. Or you learn to cook a wide range of dishes at home during the lockdown. All of these have you engage in certain pursuits actively for your own personal development and growth.

In a CAS project, you will take charge of organising a special event or a campaign, or creating innovative or artistic objects, etc. within your special interest group, or do so independently with other like-minded people where there are no precedents by any of your school-based groups or elsewhere. You will plan and implement the necessary steps to achieve your common goals from the beginning to the end. 

Collaboration is an essential aspect of any CAS project. For example, you might... (read on):

Such a level of student accountability, driven by their passion and altruism, is equated with CAS projects. This will also lead students to engage with issues of global importance and ethical implications first hand.

Initiating a CAS Project through the CAS Stages

In order to begin your CAS project, learn about the five CAS stages below:


Begin with your personal inventory of your passion, interests, and strengths

Then investigate what you are about to pursue. It is essential that you first gather a sufficient amount of information and data to learn more about your cause or areas of interest. This can lead you to decide what to pursue as your CAS project.

This is an action research into the following:

After completing the above, you can go onto the next stage to prepare your project proposal and the action steps.


Using the information and data collected in the investigation stage, identify the purpose and goals, and 

Then plan your project appropriately. An effective approach is to visualise your desired outcomes first, in the demonstration stage. You may have heard of some approaches in your classes, such as the 'Backward Design':

It is also very helpful to use the SMART goal model:

Here are some guiding questions:


In this stage, you will carry out the steps that you planned in the preparation stage. 

In so doing, it is important to be ready to be flexible and adaptable. This is because working with authentic needs in real-life situations will often involve unexpected turn of events. This is the nature of your CAS project work, which is always dynamic and developing, shaped by your actions and interactions with others, and other factors. It is essential that you communicate and collaborate constructively with your supervisor, collaborators, and partner community individuals. This includes respecting other people’s ideas, positions, preferences and circumstances to the best of your ability.

Therefore, you and your collaborator(s) need to:



When you wrote your CAS project proposal, it was recommended that you start with your goals and the desired outcomes. Throughout your CAS project implementation, you had to keep these in mind as you navigated through some challenges to achieve them. 

Now that you have completed your project, you need to once again reflect on:

Final reflection questions

In the Reflections and Evidence section of your CAS project entry, upload the following to show your work throughout your project 'journey':

CAS Project Resources