Junior Timeline


  • CAS begins at the start of the Junior Year.

  • Engage with CAS experiences throughout the school year, with a reasonable balance in all three strands of CAS.

  • Begin investigating what you can do for your CAS project and if possible, plan and implement it.

  • Attend these compulsory CAS meetings:

  • IB/ CAS Orientation: mid-August

  • First Year Planning Interviews: late August - mid-September (individual; 10 - 15 minutes)

  • CAS group meeting in October (in groups of about 10 - 20 students during students' prep periods/ after school)

  • CAS group meeting in January (in groups of about 10 - 20 students during students' prep periods/ after school)

  • End-of-Year Progress Review Interviews: May (individual; 10 - 15 minutes)


Junior Timeline

  • Attend the new IB/ CAS Orientation at the start of your Junior Year.

  • Begin engaging with CAS experiences/ project.

  • Attend the mandatory CAS First Year Planning Interview (individual) with the CAS Coordinator/ CAS Advisor.


  1. Meet and get acquainted with the CAS Coordinator and CAS Advisor.

  2. Learn and understand the CAS essentials and CAS requirements.

  3. Find and plan appropriate CAS experiences in all three CAS strands.

  4. Learn how to obtain permission for CAS experiences with non-ISKL supervisors (study the 'Non-ISKL Activities' section).

  5. Learn how to enter and complete the details of each CAS experience/ project in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac.

  6. Identify CAS Project possibilities (at least one must be done), e.g. GAP, community service, etc.


Junior Timeline

  • Attend the mandatory CAS First Year Planning Interview (individual) with the CAS Coordinator/ CAS Advisor.

  • Participate regularly in your CAS experiences/ project(s).

  • Add your CAS experience/ project entries to your CAS worksheet on ManageBac. (See the document here to help you).

  • Let your CAS experience/ project supervisors know that you are in their clubs/ teams/ organizations for CAS and tell them about the supervisor reviews that they will need to complete for you at the end of the commitment period (e.g. at the end of the season, production/ event, semester, school year, etc.).

  • If you are involved in CAS experiences/ project(s) off-campus with a non-ISKL CAS supervisor, complete and submit the CAS Activity Advance Permission Form to the CAS Coordinator as soon as possible. Remember to upload a photo of you in action on site.

  • The non-ISKL CAS supervisors off-campus may also complete the CAS supervisor review on the paper CAS Verification Form if they do not have access to ManageBac online.


  • Become a confident user of the CAS Home Page and ManageBac.

  • Allocate some CAS time regularly (about 30 minutes) in your weekly schedule to work on your CAS worksheet on ManageBac.

  • Learn to add CAS experiences to your CAS worksheet on ManageBac: complete all the details in the 'Description and goals' section, email the CAS Coordinator to approve new entries, and write short reflections every 2 - 3 weeks.

  • Learn how to write meaningful reflections to evaluate your progress in meeting your goals and the targeted CAS learning outcomes.

  • Read about CAS projects in the CAS Home Page and explore your project ideas and proposals.


Junior Timeline

  • Maintain regular involvement with your CAS experiences/ project.

  • Attend the mandatory CAS group meeting to learn more about the CAS stages, reflection writing, and CAS projects.

  • Submit the CAS Advance Permission Form and the CAS Verification Form for activities undertaken with non-ISKL supervisors to the CAS Coordinator.

  • Attend the student-led conference in October if there are concerns regarding your CAS progress.

  • Attend Global Action Program (GAP).

  • Maintain ManageBac record keeping: Write your reflections for all of your Season 1 CAS experiences and request your supervisors' reviews.

  • Maintain regular contact with your CAS Coordinator for any questions or concerns.

*CAS progress report will not be issued in October this year (2018-19). However, CAS progress to date on the key items will be entered in Power School. Learn about the new Standard-Based Assessment and Reporting (SBAR) scales for CAS for future progress reports.


  • Become a confident user of the CAS Home Page and ManageBac.

  • Understand and follow the 3-step CAS activity completion process.

  • Write reflections for your current or completed CAS experiences/ project.

  • Develop an increased awareness of your own strengths and skills.

  • Develop an increased awareness of how people live in different regions and countries.


Junior Timeline

*Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is required for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded. In Grade 11, this means continuing with weekly participation in clubs, athletics, and other meaningful co-curricular activities for CAS throughout the school year. You do not need to continue with them during the school holidays. However, if you want to do some CAS experiences during the December/ January and June/ July breaks between your Junior and Senior year, contact your CAS Coordinator in advance.

  • Maintain regular involvement with your CAS experiences, with a reasonable balance in the three strands of CAS.

  • Complete your Season 1 entries in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac, i.e. write your 'Description and Goals' and your pre- and post-trip reflections for GAP, and all of your reflections (beginning, middle, and end) for your athletics, community partnership, and other co-curricular activities that ended in Season 1 (August - October).

  • After completing the above, request and obtain your supervisors' reviews via ManageBac.

  • If you have been taking lessons with non-ISKL supervisors or working with a non-ISKL organization off-campus, then submit the CAS Advance Permission Form to the CAS Coordinator. At the end of this academic year (May 2020), you can obtain your supervisors' reviews via ManageBac or by using the paper CAS Verification Form.

  • Add your Season 2 CAS experiences in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac.

  • Continue to explore ideas for a CAS project and discuss them with your potential supervisor and collaborators about implementing it soon.

  • Or if you already know what you can do for your CAS project, write your proposal and submit the signed CAS Project Approval Form and begin implementing it. Be sure to write reflections, upload photos and documents, etc. to track your progress in the 'Reflections and Evidence' section.

*CAS progress report will be issued along with your semester report for your academic subjects. See the SBAR scales here.


  • Develop your time management skills.

  • Develop your ability to make feasible plans (e.g. timeline, identifying key organizational items, etc.) for your CAS experiences and project.

  • Develop an increased interest and awareness for different causes, global issues and ethical implications for Service.

  • Learn and understand how CAS stages work, especially for investigating and preparing your CAS project plans.


Junior Timeline

*Important: Timely and successful completion of CAS is required for the award of the IB Diploma. Not completing CAS will result in your Diploma not being awarded. In Grade 11, this means continuing with weekly participation in clubs, athletics, and other meaningful co-curricular activities for CAS throughout the year. You do not need to continue with them during the school holidays, but if you want to do some CAS experiences then, contact your CAS Coordinator in advance.

  • Maintain regular engagement with your CAS experiences.

  • If you have been taking lessons with non-ISKL supervisors or working with a non-ISKL organization, submit the CAS Advance Permission Form to the CAS Coordinator. At the end of this academic year, you can obtain your supervisor reviews via ManageBac electronically or by using the paper CAS Verification Form.

  • By now, you should have identified a CAS project that you would like to lead. Be sure to write your proposal by discussing each of these CAS stages with a timeline and concrete steps to take: investigation, preparation, action, and demonstration.

  • After writing your proposal, discuss it with your project supervisor and collaborator(s), and complete and submit your CAS Project Approval Form, signed by your supervisor. Your project is officially approved for CAS only after you submit this form.

  • Attend the mandatory group work session to deepen your understanding of the CAS learning outcomes, CAS stages and requirements.

  • Be sure to undertake at least one season of direct Service with disadvantaged people in one of our HS community partnership clubs or do the equivalent work off-campus. If you plan to do this off-campus, be sure to contact your CAS Coordinator in advance.

  • Aim to balance the three strands of CAS in your CAS experiences.

  • Deepen your understanding of the CAS essentials.

  • Maintain communication with the CAS Coordinator regarding any questions or concerns.


  • Continue to develop skills and mindset to become proactive and self-directed.

  • Strengthen your organization and time-management skills.

  • Deepen your understanding on the role and benefits of reflection in making sense out of your CAS experiences.

  • Consider and engage with the ethics of your choices and actions.


Junior Timeline

  • Finalize your CAS project proposal.

  • Complete and submit your CAS Project Approval Form, signed by your supervisor, and begin implementing your project.

  • Maintain regular involvement with your CAS experiences/ project(s).

  • Write short reflections every 2 - 3 weeks to reflect on your engagement, contribution and growth in your different CAS experiences.

  • Attend the mandatory group work session at the beginning of the month.

  • Complete the entries for Season 2 in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac. This includes writing your final/ summative reflections and requesting and obtaining your supervisors' reviews.

  • Aim to balance the three strands of CAS in your CAS experiences.

  • Deepen your understanding of the CAS essentials.


  • Develop the skills and know-hows to develop and implement a CAS project.

  • Continue to develop your organizational and time management skills.

  • Continue to engage with issues of global importance and ethics of choices and actions, and how you could advocate for them.

  • Continue to engage with reasonable risk-taking and collaborative skills with others.


Junior Timeline

  • Write reflections every 2 - 3 weeks or at the beginning, middle, and end of your CAS experience/ project to reflect on your engagement, contribution and growth. Discuss these in relation to the CAS learning outcomes that you selected for each of your CAS experiences/ project.

  • Update all of your CAS experience/ project entries on ManageBac for this academic year. This includes writing reflections, obtaining your supervisors' reviews, and uploading documents that serve as evidence of your learning (e.g. photos, video clips, lesson materials, advertisements, etc.).

  • CAS Project: By now, you should be implementing one or have plans to implement it soon. Please submit the signed CAS Project Approval Form ASAP. If you are still undecided, you need to consult the CAS Coordinator ASAP. If you are working on your project, then continue to implement it and reflect on your progress every 2 - 3 weeks to discuss what is going well and what needs to change.

  • If you have been taking lessons with non-ISKL supervisors or working with a non-ISKL organization, you can obtain your supervisor reviews via ManageBac electronically or by using the paper CAS Verification Form.

  • Attend the HS Parent-Teacher conferences if you have fallen behind in maintaining your CAS worksheet on ManageBac or need to gain a better understanding of the CAS stages and procedure.

  • Attend the mandatory CAS End-of-the-Year (EOY) interview (individual) at the end of April - mid-May (invitations via the Google Calendar will be sent to you in April).


  • Develop an increased understanding of all seven CAS learning outcomes.

  • Evaluate the new skills you have learned as a result of undertaking new challenges this year.

  • Evaluate your overall progress in CAS for this year.


Junior Timeline

  • Attend the mandatory CAS End-of-the-Year (EOY) interview (individual) at the end of April - mid-May (invitations via the Google Calendar will be sent to you in April).

  • Write short reflections every 2 - 3 weeks to reflect on your engagement, contribution and growth in your different CAS experiences.

  • Complete all the final/ summative reflections for this year's CAS experiences and your project(s) in your CAS worksheet on ManageBac.

  • Obtain all of your supervisors' reviews via email or on the paper copy of the CAS Verification Form. This is really important for those supervisors who will not be here next academic year. If you have been taking lessons with non-ISKL supervisors or working with a non-ISKL organization, you can obtain your supervisor reviews via ManageBac electronically or by using the paper CAS Verification Form.

  • Discuss any summer CAS plans with the CAS Coordinator before the end of the school year.

  • Be sure to complete and submit the CAS Advance Permission Form for any planned CAS experiences in June and July.

  • If you would like to lead a CAS project during the summer, you need to discuss your proposal with the CAS Coordinator in person before the end of the academic year.

*CAS progress report will be issued along with your semester report for your academic subjects.


  • Develop an increased understanding and awareness for your personal development and growth.